Intro To Me!
Hey! I'm Omega, and i'm just a kid trying to play Yugioh without spending a fortune on cards. I'm not amazingly experienced with this deck, but i love the pendulum mechanic, and it just so happens that you can assemble this entire deck for a super low price! I didn't intend on getting to this point in writing this, but i love it when people write stuff here so I can learn more about the deck, and the person playing it!
What I Can Do
I haven't experimented with the deck to the fullest, but i can usually get to an Apollousa with one of my disruption XYZ monsters, which are Infinity or Dweller. Getting to Vortex Dragon is also a line that i haven't quite gotten down, considering we only really have 6 level 7s in the deck to get to it, making it hard unless you open up a hand that works for that. Alkahest is also a disruption, but i can never get to it alongside Apollousa, unless my hand is like, extremely lucky. So usually I end on something like 4 disruptions, up to 5 in testing, and i'm not sure if you can get a 6th one on board, but i run out of fusion spells for another Alkahest or Azortless, I can never get Vanisher into the extra deck for a Mithrilium, and overall i just run out of steam before i can get to 6, even 5 disruptions. Super Poly is a option i added if you have copies lying around as i believe it is a deck that can make it work really well, but i can't see a reason to main deck it since you need your full hand to combo. Aside from that, the side deck is barren because i'm still a massive noob who hasn't figured out how to side deck well, plus many of the cards in the side can get pretty pricy.
Some stuff i was looking to find for the deck:
A link 3
A different rank 4
Deck Edits:
Removed Abductor, i don't think it fits that great in the deck
Replaced Chronograph package for Box Of Friends + Counter for more normal summon
Put Borrelsword back, Orichalc does not otk unless there was a defense position monster there.
Removed Emergency Teleport, deck is a bit cheaper, and brings it to 40 cards.
Put Super Poly in, I realized that generally you can find a way to keep at least one card in hand, and sometimes it works well when you get vanisher in hand, use mithrilium as material, and then mithrilium's GY effect summons out vanisher, leading to big boy interruptions.