Plunder Pile
Plunders has been something I've been toying with since mid-2022, and going through weird iterations.
The bottom primer is based on the support and meta 11/2022.
My current iteration expanded into this weird pile deck after the 12/2024 banlist after my Tenpai deck was nerfed on that banlist.
This is PLADD pile, for short I guess (Plunder, Labrynth, Adventure, Dragoon). Explanation below.
Plunder is the main core of the deck and basis of the deck. The deck's construction is considered with this at its core; fiends that also take up about half the extra deck space.
Their gimmick is they special summon based on your opponent's archetypes and spam the board on later turns.
The problem with Plunders is that don't have a very explosive starting turn. The most I got with pure plunders is a t1 Redbeard + Blackbeard or Toadally Awesome or Adamancipator Dragite Risen for the possibility of extra summons, and was never consistent or too fragile.
3 Plunder Patrolls should be added should be added for consistency if support gets printed.
(we're still missing Wind, Water, and Divine Ships...)
Labrynth supports Plunders by having traps that supplant their relatively slow t1 play.
Traps improve their consistency in the long run by interacting with opponents.
As Labrynths are also fiends, they get the 500 Atk boost from the Plunder Fire ship.
It's not uncommon to have a 3400+ Lady/Lovely summoned with Welcome Labrynth help end the game.
Adventure / Brave Engine supports Plunders since the start by being both bodies and getting boosts from Plunders being equipped. There are few effects on Normal summon, and having an extra lvl 4 body is great. By being a Pile deck, you also gain better consistency with the garnets in the archetype. Should Griffon Get banned out of principle like it did in the OCG, replace it with Illegal Knight and remove Dracoback.
Dragoon supports plunders as Whitebeard can be set and they benefit from being discarded. My criteria for Dragoon today past the Verte Anaconda days is it should only be included in competitive decks if can reasonably set 2 and pass or can be discarded. My tests found that Whitebeard and Jars could be set for bodies, and some Plunders could be discarded alongside Dangers for effects. By being a Pile deck, you also gain better consistency with the garnets in the archetype. Occasionally tribute summoning Dark Magician or Red Eyes Black Dragon is necessary for Ninja locking.
Fiendsmith is something that should replace Adventure/Brave engine if it gets affordable.
In addition to being stupidly broken and easy to setup with the white forest cards, their drawback of only needing to attack with fiends is nullified with Plunders and Labs.
Even if limited, they support plunders by having their Link 2 Fiendsmith Sequence fusion summon the Plunder Fusion Monster quite easily, which is a monster negate and destroy, and a searcher.
The core of a plunder patroll Plunder is good but needs to tank a few turns. Labrynth TrapsI controls the game. adventure endgine Gets you a few extra bodies Few effects on normal summoned monsters. red eyes fusion because you can often just set card pass