"play pendulum or you will be beaten"
-Toon Lord
"is best deck just play pendulum."
"play pendulum and you can’t be beaten"
"when in doubt, just play pend"
Words of wisdom (in the comments section of a Zoodiac Dogmatika deck, but I digress) that inspired me to post my Pendulum list. The ban list did
Now let me explain why I chose Pendulum Magicians. As of the moment, there is only one other Pendulum archetype worth playing: Endymion. You could even mix the 2. So why don't I play Endymion?
Now, imagine a card, just like Misc, but has over twice the card text. Now imagine if there was an entire archetype with card texts that long. Yeah, that's Endymion. Combine it with all playerbase's semi-illiteracy, and you've got a mess in your hands. Here, just look at this:
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic. Children's card game by the way. Just wanted to point that out.
Endymion Player: "I activate Servant of Endymion, removing 3 spell counters"
Opponent: "Cool, what does that do?"
Endymion Player: "It lets me... (Proceeds to explain effect as Opponent sits there regretting asking the question) ... and 1 monster from my Deck"
Opponent: "Ash"
Endymion Player: *Sigh* "Yeah that works"
A scenario like that will be happening for the entirety of the duel as if an opponent refuses to read their own cards, how could you expect them to read Endymion? They will sit there listening for exactly the words they want (in this case "deck") or just interrupt their opponent saying "Yeah never mind, I believe you."
When playing Endymion, one does not simply activate
Upstart Goblin. You need to think "Oh, I should set scales first!" And then, "Wait, which scale do I put down first?" And then, "Should I use
Terraforming before I set scales, play my field spell, then set scales? Or should I set scales, then search? Or should I search, play scales, then put down my field spell?" And I could go on and on. it just becomes this mumbo-jumbo of decisions, and even if you decide on a play and start committing to it, you may have to change it midway due to your opponent's pieces of interaction (hand traps and such) or your own random draws off the top (desires, upstart, you get the idea). Combine that with the fact that I still misplay with some of my favorite decks, decks that I've been playing for years, and I will without a doubt butcher the entire game plan and get a tenth of the expected win rate.
So yeah, this is just my Pendulum Magicians list, nothing special, please give me your suggestions in the comments. oh yeah, the side deck are just a bunch of ideas, don't use it as an actual side deck.
Oh yeah, in case you were interested, or just wanted to say something about Pendulum, here's my Zoodiac Dogmatika list: https://ygoprodeck.com/zoodiac-dogmatika-2/
Still waiting Konaim to bring back Pend stuff.