This deck does not brick. For further proof, use the playtest button. Every card in this deck does something to further your strategies. For example, Deployment can be used for Combination, Wonder Wand (if sided in), Circle, and Piercing. A bunch of synergy and Conscription can be used for Allure, Combination, Timaeus, (a pitch for) Branded, and SoDM. Too much combos in this deck. It does literally everything!
The key to this deck is getting to TDMs and/or your Fusion material monsters including and mainly DM (and his Fusions majority wise, using Dragons). You can also summon 2 Dragoons in 1 turn by using cards like Magicalized & Branded for example. If not, you can setup the Dragon Knight boardlock.
Deck is too consistent not to win with. Handtrap baits in here also. But it can die to Droll if theres not a negate in time and Nibiru if its not less than 5 summons. Otherwise, this deck is great.