Noble Knights are a TCG exclusive which focuses on equipping Noble Arms to your monsters to gain their effects.
Noble Knights of the Round Table - (Level 4 Light Warriors)
- Noble Knight Artorigus is a Light Normal monster that uh... Camelot, Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms is a Field Spell that can replace itself with Noble Knights of the Round Table and either add a Noble Arms or summon an Artorigus monster from your Deck or GY, this makes Arthur a playable card in the Deck besides giving you ways to reborn the XYZ's and facilitates some combo lines if you were to be disrupted by giving you an additional body. Round Table is not bad either with some highrolls letting you summon Monsters from your GY after you Foolish Burial them with Table, which facilitate some cards like Noble Knight Drystan or Noble Knight Bedwyr. Camelot also comes back next turn after replacing itself, letting you pop a Noble Arms to protect your cards from being destroyed, considering most of them re-equip you aren't losing much + you get to use Drystan's effect.
- Noble Knight Brothers gets you two bodies from the hand and they can recycle 3 Noble Knights or Noble Arms to draw 1. Biggest problem about this card? Turns Mordred off and its an Imperm/Veiler magnet + doesn't summon from the GY cause we couldnt have nice things back when this was released. But its pretty good for follow-up in the subsequent turns.
- Noble Knight Gawayn is a free Special if you control a Normal Light monster, most of the Noble Knights that need an Equip are treated as a Normal monster on the field. Same goes to Noble Knight Custennin but this one requires an Noble Arms to do so, and if used as Link/XYZ/Synchro material you get an extra Normal summon for a Noble Knight monster.
- Noble Knight Iyvanne on equip summons a Token and thats it really, you normally want to run 1 but since its part of a crucial line which gives us easy access to Isolde you could run it at 2 too.
- Noble Knight Drystan gets to protect your Nobles from card effects if they have less than 1800 ATK and if he gets equipped he gets to pop a card, you will usually be summoning him via Isolde, Until Noble Arms or Table to get him onto the field while Camelot helps with the re-equipping shenanigans.
Betrayers of the Round Table - (Level 5 Dark Warriors)
All "Betrayers" as I will call them become Level 5 Dark Warriors upon being equipped.
- Noble Knight Medraut is the most important card in the Deck, being your starter and such, you can destroy any Equip Spell that is equipped to him to summon from your Deck any other Noble Knight, Ivan most of the time, you have to control no other monsters to do this. You may think the condition of destroying an Equip is harsh but most of them just re-equip to another monster, in this case Ivan to get your Token to Link and XYZ.
- Noble Knight Borz when equipped can reveal 3 "Noble Arms" and add 1 to your hand randomly and send the other ones to the GY, My Friend Purrely wishes it was this good. You will be mostly adding Camelot, setting up your Equips for your XYZ or sending your Trap which can E-teli a Noble Knight next turn.
- Noble Knight Eachtar is just another way to go into R5nks, recurs every turn by banishing 2 Noble Knights. Same goes for his half brother Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn which special summons himself by sending a Light Normal to the GY, his other effect allows him to tribute a Noble to fetch a Noble Arms. Laundsallyn is better in the grind since Camelot will be bringing Artorigus every turn back, while Eachtar is better in the earlier stages that you have more mills from Round Table.
Noble Arms (Backrow)
- You might have seen this card before, Heritage of the Chalice is a Reinforcement of the Army for Noble Knights and Noble Arms with a recursion effect if your opponent destroys an equipped Noble Knight.
- Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again excavates cards up to the number of Arms you have on the field, adding 1 one of them to your hand. Its most important effect is the one to E-teli any of your Nobles in the next turn after its sent to the GY, making it the best target to send via Borz.
Lightning round for the Equips:
- Noble Arms of Destiny protects a monster from being destroyed by battle or card effect once, re-equips when sent to the GY.
- Noble Arms - Gallatin gives the equipped monster 1000ATK but it loses 200ATK in the standby, re-equips when sent to the GY.
- Noble Arms - Caliburn gives the equipped monster 500ATK, soft once per turn gives you 500LP, re-equips when sent to the GY.
- Noble Arms - Clarent you can pay 500LP to let the equipped monster attack directly, re-equips when sent to the GY.
- Noble Arms - Arfeudutyr makes the monster lose 500 ATK to pop a set card, re-equips when sent to the GY.
- Noble Arms - Excaliburn stops the monster from being targeted, the next turn after its sent to the GY you can replace one of your XYZ's with another one with a different name, the materials do transfer.
Royalty (Extra Deck)
- Let's start with the most infamous card of all Noble Knights, Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights, they need no introduction, the queens of FTKs and jank Warrior-piles. On summon adds any Warrior from your Deck but you cant summon or use their effect and you can send as many Equips from the Deck to the GY to summon a Warrior whose level is equal to the number of sent Equips. She is the most important card in the combo and the biggest Ash magnet in the Deck.
- Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights on summon Equips himself with 3 Arms from your GY, you can detach 1 material to pop as many Spells/Traps equal to the number of Arms you control. This is used mostly to reset or change who is equipped with what. Normally capping at 3500ATK and being protected by Excaliburn.
- Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin can detach as many materials as he want to bounce an equal ammount of cards the opponent controls. And if destroyed by battle or card effect he summons from your Extra Deck a Noble Knight XYZ with a different name attaching itself to it as a material.
- Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus like his R4nk self equips 3 on summon, you can detach 1 to pop a card and when destroyed reborns a level 4 or lower Noble. Very underwhelming for the final boss but we take what we can.
Medraut + any Re-equip
Mordred normal > Effect destroys Re-equip > summon Ivan > Re-equip to Ivan and summon a token > Isolde add any (Eachtar or Brothers) > Send Excaliburn, Gallatin, Destiny and Arfeudutyr > summon any and make Custonnin or Artorigus. If you have another equip in hand you can summon Borz via Mordred to get Camelot and Until in the GY and then make Isolde with that, Camelot putting the other 4 in the field or just using any of your extenders from the hand.