2024-06-12 13:52:36
+ 2Knightmare Phoenix+ 3Conductor of Nephthys+ 1Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous+ 3Pre-Preparation of Rites+ 1Lightning Storm+ 3Rebirth of Nephthys+ 3Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys+ 1Chronicler of Nephthys+ 1Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant+ 2Herald of Mirage Lights+ 1Transcode Talker+ 2Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver+ 1Last Hope of Nephthys+ 1Defender of Nephthys+ 1Light Law Medium+ 2Matriarch of Nephthys+ 3Torrential Tribute+ 1Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys+ 2Pot of Avarice+ 3Herald of the Arc Light+ 1Pot of Prosperity+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 2Nephthys, the Sacred Flame+ 3Devotee of Nephthys+ 3Diviner of the Herald+ 1Droll & Lock Bird+ 3Preparation of Rites+ 2Effect Veiler+ 3Disciple of Nephthys
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