2025-01-11 01:50:22
+ 2Unexpected Dai+ 1Allure of Darkness+ 1Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1D/D Count Surveyor+ 1D/D Proud Chevalier+ 1D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace+ 1Block Attack+ 3D/D Dog+ 2D/D Ark+ 1Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage+ 2D/D Scale Surveyor+ 1D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser+ 3Archfiend Soldier+ 3D/D Evil+ 1Pendulum Shift+ 2Sinister Yorishiro+ 2D/D/D Human Resources+ 1D/D Extra Surveyor+ 1D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell+ 1Dark Sacrifice+ 1D/D Proud Ogre+ 1Monster Reborn+ 2Rivalry of Warlords+ 1D/D/D Headhunt+ 1Pot of Riches+ 1D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox+ 2Beast of Talwar - The Sword Summit
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