Man it has been a long while since I uploaded another Amazoness Deck well this is mine that I have in rl and the goal in mind was to make a casual deck I wanted the causal deck to be at least good to have fun wif and try to play the game so, this is the break-down I had for this deck I have switched from dis deck just being a fusion and xyz deck I have added in links and to be honest I is surprised that I didn't want link monsters before, but I have some here dat I like alot and still miss dat Isoldee is banned, but I am not to surprised that it's banned. Also, there will be a text off version of this deck for those who just want to skip to the list.
The Breakdown
So, before I made this deck working with mostly XYZ summons but so far I did think it was working out to well since some older XYZ monsters were out of date and since I got rid of the level 4 monsters I could not XYZ summon into Number 41 Bagooska then into Zeus maybe there is a way to make this work but for this deck I took XYZ summons out for the time being. Next I have added in 3 Kaiju cards and there spell card Kaiju slumber I use Kaijus mostly as monster removal since there magic card is pretty much a Dark Hole card for Kaiju's if that does not work then I have 2x Nibiru and 2x Lava Golem as monster removal's as well just to make things easier, then there is 2x Lighting Storm at the time of this writing is Semi-Limited so only 2x copies can be played this could change in the future. Lighting Storm for both monster and back row removal while not perfect it does try to give answers as the opponent might throw, there are some things you could switch out to sub in for different cards.
Update 5/20/24: Something to note about Kaiju's for this I have switched them out with stuff like Lava Golem and Pankratops and reason why I did this was because of this unless I had a smaller deck and wanted to keep this under 40 I would play both the Monsters and the spell card that is like Dark Hole and you can board wipe the field. Again you can add Kaiju's to this but for this updated build I wanted to add other cards that can be used like Nibiru, but we all know everyone will play around Nibiru hence why I decided to go what was mentioned here in the update.
Next these are the monsters that I is using that comes from the Amazoness archetype 1x Queen 3x Princess a searcher for the deck, 3x Warchief also another searcher, 2x Golden Whip Master used to destroy spell and trap cards on the field, 2x Sliver Sword Master recovers Amazoness Spells and traps from the GY, 2x Spiritualist used to search out for Poly cards and can come out of the grave by bouncing back a face up card on the field, 1x Baby Tiger used to go into fusion plays and can be summoned out of the GY as well you could run another copy if needed.
Then for the hand traps I run 2x Ash to stop card searches, 2x Ghost Bell to stop GY effects you could switch this out for Skull Misters or Bystial Druiswurm depending on what you are facing for GY effects then 3x Infinite Impermance as I think most people on what each of these hand traps do I don't feel like I would need to go over these as much.
For the magic and trap cards, here are the spells and traps I use form the archetype:
1x Village, 1x Heirloom I have used this here because either Augusta or Empress does not have protection like the way Queen has, so this is here you could switch this card out if needed, 3x Call this card like Princess and WarChief are extenders for searches that you might need for you're plays, 3x Secret Arts this is a quick play spell card, and you want to use this while it's your opponent's turn, and it just acts as a quick poly card Trap Cards 1x Hot Spring, 1x Onslaught, 1xHall.
Update for the spells 5/20/24: I have some spells switched out and added in traps as well to, but make sure to look at the list, and you will see what was changed.
The rest of the magic cards is going to be 1x normal Poly, 2x fusion sub this is good to have from play testing if I used this card and another fusion monster to get a stronger monster card well wif fusion sub you could recycle you're used fusion monster put it back in the extra deck and then draw one card maybe you could just run 3 of this card?, 3x Kaiju Slumber again as mentioned before it is a Dark Hole expect for Kaiju monsters you could take these out and the 3 Kaiju cards to run something else for monster removal beside wat is listed here you could run 2x Pankratops, semi limited at the time of writing or you could run Alpha The Master of Beast out wif this there is a lot more you could use like Ra Sphere Mode. Then you got the ones that limited to 1 copy 1x Feather Duster, 1x Reinforcements of the Army, and 1x Called by the Grave.
Update 5/20/24
For the side deck, I wanted to have different answers for this Aggro deck and what you see here now is some of the go to for link plays but with S:P Little Knight being expensive at the time of this update, it's about $115 bucks, what I would suggest is that you could run either 1 or 2 copies of Knightmare Unicorn, but this would be a budget option not to sure what be a good sub for S:P Little Knight than what I just mentioned. Also, for the side deck there might be better rank two monsters, but I used Sky Cavlary Centaurea as a rank two because of the effect that it has: While this card has Xyz Material, it cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card battles an opponent's monster, and your opponent still controls that monster at the end of the Damage Step: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; return that monster to the hand.
The idea with this is that you would use either Amazoness Spiritualist or Baby tiger as the material to make Sky Cavlary and even with you have to detach them from Sky Cavlary both Spiritualist and Baby Tiger can come back from the gy if you have another Amazoness Monster out on the field and when Sky Cavalry battles then you would go into Zeus card and use its effect to clear the board. Now, there might be other rank 2 monsters you could use, for example one I think that could work would be Number 45: Crumble Logos, Onibimaru Soul Sweeper, or Number 29: Mannquin Cat? These are just a guess of what else you could use to lead up into Zeus, but I would need to test this to see how well this work.
For the two other link monsters that are on the side deck, Underworld Goddess of the Closed World and Unchained Abomination are for two different reasons, for Underworld Goddess you can use your opponent's monster as a link material, so this could be used to take out hard boss monsters since this is being tribute to summon her out and last time I checked like with Kaiju's there are not a lot of cards that have that sort of protection, For Unchanied could be good for destruction plays and depending on if targeting says it can work or not work, depends on the card effect, then you could use this to destroy another card, but it does target.
The Deck, this is always updating due to post ban on Isolde:
Main Deck:
Lava Golem x2
Dinowrestler Pankratops x2
Amazoness Queen x1
Amazoness Golden Whip Master x3
Amazoness War Chief x3
Amazoness Silver Sword Master x3
Amazoness Princess x3
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x2
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion x2
Amazoness Spiritualist x3
Amazoness Baby Tiger x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Fusion Substitute x3
Amazoness Call x3
Amazoness Secret Arts x3
Amazoness Village x3
Infinite Impermanence x3
Amazoness Hall x2
Amazoness Hot Spring x1
Amazoness Onslaught x2
Extra Deck:
Amazoness Augusta x1
Amazoness Pet Liger King x2
Amazoness Empress x2
Amazoness Pet Liger x1
Saryuja Skull Dread x1
Accesscode Talker x1
Arcana Extra Joker x1
Knightmare Unicorn x1
Exceed the Pendulum x1
Knightmare Phoenix x1
Beyond the Pendulum x1
I:P Masquerena x1
Cross-Sheep x1
Side Deck:
Nibiru, the Primal Being x2
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder x1
Sky Cavalry Centaurea x1
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World x1
Unchained Abomination x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x2
Dark Ruler No More x3
Called by the Grave x1
Amazoness Fighting Spirit x1
Amazoness Heirloom x1
Amazoness Willpower x1