On the surface this deck may look like it's just adamancipators and that's because it mostly is. Let's be honest the magnet cards by themselves are not really good besides berserkion just being a rock type dark armed dragon, however being rock type in master duel is probably one of the best typings due to them having "full" power adamancipators (2 analyzer means nothing lol) and block dragon along with some synergies that allow for combos konami didn't think about. This is Adamancipator Magnet Warrior.
Main Deck
This deck is very simple, max copies of each adamancipator because one of them activating will lead to a synchro or full halq don combo. 1 gamma, beta and alpha because these cards suck but they will get us into berserkion. 3 epsilon because this is the best magnet warrior, if you already have a magnet in the grave then it allows you to summon one, this does not count the one it sends so keep that in mind. 3 delta because this can dump a gamma, beta or alpha for berserkion. 1 Berserkion as out boss monster that will combo with swordsoul chengying. 1 Block dragon because it is a very powerful card but the deck is tight on space and I cannot pull it with adamancipators. 3 doki doki, this card is crazy and allows a lot of plays just hope not to draw gamma, alpha or beta with it because they can't go into a tuner. 1 Jet synchron for halq. 1 o-lion for auroradon plays. 1 nemeses corridor because you banish a decent ammount and it can be searched from cupid pitch for a 1 card thunder dragon colossus. 3 maxx C, 3 Ash, 1 Token Collector, ! called by, ! crossout and 1 imperm for out hand traps. 1 foolish to set up grave, mostly to send block dragon but it can set up magnets for berserkion if needed or be used with signs. 3 adamancipator signs allows us to recycle our rock monsters to extend into infinity. 1 pot of averice to extend further, I would run 2 but deck space is already really tight.
Extra Deck
1 Thunder Dragon Colossus nemeses corridor get it out and it locks your opponent from adding cards to hand, it also gains 1 time protection which is pretty decent. 1 cupid pitch for halq don plays. 1 naturia beast, really crazy card that can sometimes just prevent the opponenet from playing yu-gi-oh. Adamancipator Risen Raptite, used as an extender and will activate it's quick effect if auroradon or o-lion are in grave. 1 dawn dragster for a negate. 1 TG hyper librairan used for the halq don combo. 1 Borreload savage dragon for a negate and makes use of halq or auroradon after they combo. 1 adamancipator dragite, very good board clear and will gain it's quick effect with halq in grave. 1 baronne for a negate and can be made with a level 2 tuner and block dragon to then use block dragon's effect to extend. 1 Chengying because this card will combo with berserkion allowing you to banish your megnets when he's summoned getting a free banish 2 then if you get to activate his effect to banish a magnet and pop a card you get to activate again to banish 2, this turns berserkion's effect into a non once per turn +2 board and grave nuke, it's not easy to get the 2 out at the same time but it can pretty much shut down any deck due to this being a non-targeting banish. 1 Geomathmech final sigma, a big *** boss monster that is easy to get out with analyzer and block dragon to make a very hard to remove boss monster at the end of a combo line. 1 Gallent Granite to search block dragon and can be tributed by Auroradon to make space for more plays. 1 Halq,1 Auroradon for combo. 1 Borrelsword dragon as a finisher going 2nd. You can play a brakion if you are running into too many trap decks on ladder, I would just swap beast out for it.
Main Halq Don line
Your main halq don line will be an adamancipator gets out any non-tuner, go into halq summoning jet synchron, link into auroradon, sac auroradon and a token for o-lion, synch o-lion and a token for hyper librarian, summon jet synchron back, synch jet synchron and a token for cupid pitch leveling up to 5, go into either a dragite or borreload savage dragon picking up auroradon, then search corridor and special summon it targeting the banished jet synchron, then you tribute corridor for thunder dragon colossus. This is just a basic combo and can easily be extended with raptite's effect or having a reasurcher, seeker, signs, foolish, avarice if you go into dragite, or an unused normal summon if you special summoned analyzer.
While this deck is mostly just adamancipator synchro plays it does use the magnet warriors to its advantage for some really strong board states if you high roll and if you don't you are still playing adamancipators so you should be okay.