2023-09-30 22:09:16
+ 1Labrynth Cooclock+ 1Arianna the Labrynth Servant+ 1Ronintoadin+ 1Spright Carrot+ 1Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle+ 1Swap Frog+ 1Evil★Twin Ki-sikil+ 1Lord of the Heavenly Prison+ 1Spright Jet+ 1Dogmatika Ashiyan+ 1Danger! Chupacabra!+ 1Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior+ 1Chaos Angel+ 1Epurrely Plump+ 1Purrely+ 1Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard+ 1Spright Elf+ 1Melffy of the Forest+ 1Supreme Sea Mare+ 1Melffy Pinny+ 1Live☆Twin Ki-sikil+ 1Evil★Twin Lil-la+ 1Labrynth Chandraglier+ 1White Knight of Dogmatika+ 1Zalamander Catalyzer+ 1Danger! Bigfoot!+ 1Danger!? Jackalope?+ 1White Relic of Dogmatika+ 1Labrynth Archfiend+ 1Spright Pixies+ 1Dogmatika Alba Zoa+ 1Expurrely Happiness+ 1Danger! Mothman!+ 1Epurrely Happiness+ 1Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost+ 1Gigantic Spright+ 1Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju+ 1Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter+ 1Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous+ 1Absolute King Back Jack+ 1Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la+ 1Agido the Ancient Sentinel+ 1Keldo the Sacred Protector+ 1Nimble Beaver+ 1Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted+ 1Danger! Nessie!+ 1Spright Sprind+ 1Live☆Twin Lil-la+ 1Labrynth Stovie Torbie+ 1Ariane the Labrynth Servant+ 1Spright Red+ 1Spright Blue+ 1Diabolica the Draconique General+ 1Purrelyly+ 1Merry Melffys+ 1Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat+ 1Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle+ 1Expurrely Noir+ 1Nimble Angler+ 1Danger! Thunderbird!+ 1Melffy Catty+ 1Evil★Twin's Trouble Sunny+ 1Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General+ 1Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster+ 1Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker+ 1Dogmatika Maximus+ 1Epurrely Beauty+ 1Danger!? Tsuchinoko?+ 1Mudora the Sword Oracle- 1Tearlaments Scheiren- 1Tearlaments Kashtira- 1Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko- 1Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note- 1Ceruli, Guru of Dark World- 1Guardian Chimera- 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai- 1Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring- 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp- 1Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko- 1Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin- 1Scareclaw Belone- 1Kashtira Preparations- 2Immortal Phoenix Gearfried- 1Maxx "C"- 1Nibiru, the Primal Being- 1Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart- 1Kashtira Riseheart- 1Sillva, Warlord of Dark World- 1Kashtira Fenrir- 1Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World- 1Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World- 1Tearlaments Havnis- 1Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World- 1Starving Venom Fusion Dragon- 1Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World- 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon- 1Scareclaw Acro- 1Kashtira Arise-Heart- 1Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju- 1Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon- 1Scareclaw Light-Heart- 1Ni-Ni the Mirror Mikanko- 1Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune- 1Scareclaw Tri-Heart- 1Snoww, Unlight of Dark World- 1Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju- 1Kashtira Unicorn- 1Kashtira Birth- 1Predaplant Dragostapelia- 1Kashtira Shangri-Ira- 1Tearlaments Reinoheart- 1Tearlaments Merrli- 1Genta, Gateman of Dark World- 1Scareclaw Kashtira- 1Broww, Huntsman of Dark World- 1Predaplant Triphyoverutum- 1Ohime the Manifested Mikanko- 1Infernoble Knight - Roland- 1Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance- 1Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider- 1Scareclaw Reichheart- 1Scareclaw Astra- 1Tearlaments Rulkallos- 1Tearlaments Kitkallos- 1Diviner of the Herald- 1Kashtira Ogre

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