2024-10-13 20:39:15
+ 2Visas Amritara+ 1Infinite Impermanence+ 1Raigeki+ 2Negate Attack+ 3Visas Samsara+ 2Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 3Mannadium Fearless+ 1Mannadium Imaginings+ 3Swordsoul of Mo Ye+ 3Mannadium Trisukta+ 2Defense Draw+ 1Forbidden Droplet+ 1Ages of Stars and Frost+ 2Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 1Mirror Force+ 2Mannadium Meek+ 1Mannadium Abscission+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Visas Starfrost+ 2Swordsoul Emergence+ 1Dimensional Prison+ 2Mannadium Breakheart+ 1Mannadium Riumheart+ 1Swords of Revealing Light+ 3Mannadium Torrid+ 3Peaceful Planet Calarium+ 3The Golden Swordsoul+ 1Skill Drain+ 1Swordsoul Punishment+ 1Monster Reborn+ 2Baronne de Fleur+ 2Mannadium Prime-Heart+ 1Shooting Star Bow - Ceal+ 1Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying+ 1Effect Veiler
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