Oh, Tiger is at 3 in Master Duel? Don't mind if I do...
The strategy is simple-beat over your opponent by dancing their butts off (Leo Dancer+a link boss monster or another copy of itself. Preferably with Chick banished for no battle phase shenanigans.)
Core Ratios:
Main Deck
Tiger because soft One Per Turn clauses are easily subverted by bouncing. Also a Daruma Dolltarget for backrow popping/revivial
Marten because you can bounce Tiger and get more fusion/link material through its revival(or go into Tiger King)
Kaldeo Chick because 1)dumping for cost means negates don't affect the dumping, 2)you can cheat our your fusions with the name change, 3)battle protection means no 3500 damage to you via Magic Cylinder, and 4)Polymerizationrecycling. Also level 4 for Tiger King.
Lunalight Fusion, despite being a Hard Once Per Turn, means you can get Leo Dancer out with two Lunalight Monsters in hand and an Extra Deck on the opp's field. Also searchable by Marten.
Luna Light Perfume (which, do note, is NOT searchable by Marten because of that extra space in "Luna Light") is archetypal Revival and Deck searching, not Once Per Turn. Need I say more?
White Rabbit is nice revival and backrow bouncing, but having the revival on normal summon is rough due to Chick usually being a better call.
Emerald Bird is nice recovery, helps un-brick hands and get other Lunalights into grave and yet another Tiger King material...but Chick is still a better normal summon, and the discard can be a bit awkward.
Black Sheep...honestly could be at 3, since it pays for itself through both of its effects, but I find that it being in your opening hand with no other lunalights in hand can be rough.
Allure of Darkness because you run a lot of Darks, but you do have the occasional Light monster. I can see this at 3 if you can take the risk.
Tenki honestly could also be at 3 since it is an amazing searcher, but usually 1 does the job enough for me. More room for handtraps.
Foolish Burial Goods could also be at three since it gets Perfume and Serenade Dance into grave, but as one who doesn't run Pots, hand space can be tight.
Purple Butterfly is nice attack boosting and gets Lunalights out of your hand, but I would rather see it more in grave than in hand.
Blue Cat because you only need one for the atk boost and sadly Mystic Tomato strats in this day and age aren't nearly as viable with all the negates and banishing.
Crimson Fox is nice targeting protection and atk dropping which is good for early setup or baiting, but your Big Boss Fusions all have some protection and you have other ways of boosting attack.
Polymerization/Fusion Substitute since you can recover both via Chick...but you also haveLunalight Fusion.
Serenade Dance is something you want to see in grave far more than in hand for the revival effect, but at least is a target for Martin in a pinch and an extra card for White Rabbit bouncing (remember, Lunalight cards, not just Monsters).
Revolt because it is a nice way to recover your banished monsters...but you probably have your other Tri-Brigade links in the grave barring Shuraig, so having more than one can be dead draws.
Extra Deck
All fusions but Cat Dancer-Two Leo Dancers are more than enough to OTK, Two Saber Dancers to have one on field and one for the attack boost, Two Panther Dancers in case they banish your first from the grave.
Cat Dancer mostly because you'll be dumping Panther Dancer through Chick instead. Is a nice first turn option if you can't get to Leo Dancer, though.
Tri-Brigade links are pretty much to get a banish off the field or to link climb into your other archetypal boss monsters.
Daruma Doll is nice backrow removal and helps link climb.
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