2024-10-18 23:47:24
+ 1Obliterate!!! Blaze+ 1Dark Eruption+ 1Shield of the Millennium Dynasty+ 1Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion+ 1Exodia, the Legendary Defender+ 1Soul Release+ 1Left Arm of the Forbidden One+ 1Artillery Catapult Turtle+ 1Right Leg of the Forbidden One+ 1Sinister Serpent+ 1Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons+ 1Exxod Fires of Rage+ 1Polymerization+ 1Forbidden Droplet+ 1Forbidden Chalice+ 1Forbidden Lance+ 1Archfiend's Manifestation+ 1Exodia the Forbidden One+ 1Maiden of the Millennium Moon+ 1Millennium Ankh+ 1Spiral Fusion+ 1Sengenjin Wakes from a Millennium+ 1Ordeal of a Traveler+ 1Wandering Mummy+ 1Left Leg of the Forbidden One+ 1Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin+ 1Emergency Provisions+ 1Heart of the Blue-Eyes+ 1Forbidden Scripture+ 1Spiral Reborn+ 1Giant Soldier of Steel+ 1The Legendary Exodia Incarnate+ 1Archfiend's Ascent+ 1Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon+ 1Wedju Temple+ 1Fiend Reflection of the Millennium+ 1Obliterate!!!+ 1Archfiend's Call+ 1Contract with the Abyss+ 1Summoned Skull+ 1Right Arm of the Forbidden One+ 1Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon+ 1Golem that Guards the Millennium Treasures+ 1Non Aggression Area+ 1Spiritual Swords of Revealing Light+ 1The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate+ 1Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger+ 1Archfiend's Awakening+ 1Forbidden Dress
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