2024-08-18 17:14:38
+ 3Instant Fusion+ 1Knightmare Phoenix+ 1Raigeki+ 3Evocator Eveque+ 2Blazewing Butterfly+ 1Moon Mirror Shield+ 3Immortal Phoenix Gearfried+ 2Draco Masters of the Tenyi+ 3Gearbreed+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 1Millennium-Eyes Restrict+ 1Linkuriboh+ 1Flame Swordsman+ 1Invoked Raidjin+ 3Cross Over+ 1Supermagic Sword of Raptinus+ 3Sublimation Knight+ 2Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights+ 3Super Quantum Red Layer+ 1Thousand-Eyes Restrict+ 2Catalyst Field+ 1Gemini Soldier+ 1Unending Nightmare+ 1Knightmare Cerberus+ 3Gemini Ablation+ 3Infernoble Knight - Roland+ 2Chemicritter Carbo Crab+ 1Borrelsword Dragon+ 1Relinquished Anima+ 2Supervise+ 2Evocator Chevalier+ 1Ferocious Flame Swordsman
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