Kozmo Kaiju Plat 1
Deck Primer
Psy-Frame Driver x1: Driver is a level 6 normal monster with 2500/0. It is only here because Gamma needs it to work. Despite that, if you can get it on your turn its hardly useless, as due to this deck's lack of reliance on the extra deck we can load it up with a few cards based around Gamma and Driver special summoning themselves. A 2500 beatstick on player phase is nice, and you can also take it and Gamma and go into any of the 3 level 8 synchro's or I:P based on the situation. If at all possible you want Driver to end up in the graveyard before the end of the turn its summoned, as your 2nd Gamma can use him from there but not the banish zone, so ramming it, sacrificing it, or using it as material should always be the priority if you proc it on player phase. Overall a garnet, but as far as garnets go its not the worst. Some people run 2 of this to make sure both their Gamma's will go off, but games don't last that long so I think thats foolish. Run at 1.
Driver tl,dr: Your Gamma's powercell, try and get it in the grave.
Kozmo Tincan x3: Tincan is a level 1 monster with 0/0 that in the endphase, can pay 500 lifepoints to search 3 Kozmo cards from your deck w different names and your opponent blindly picks one for you to add to your hand, and like all pilots you can banish them at basically any point into a higher leveled Kozmo from your hand (Im not gonna mention this effect from now on unless theres smth dif about it for the monster). Tincan is going to generally be your best turn 1 option due to being able search without needing to attack unlike Farm Girl, with its only competition for that title being Wickedwitch. Luckily if you draw both thats not a dilemma in the slightest, as you can just play Tincan and then go into Wickedwitch on enemy phase for the best of both worlds. This getting Ashed if you dont already have a ship or Wickedwitch in your hand can be disastrous in predictable ways, but even with the risk of that I'd rather go with this over Farmgirl and Goodwitch even if I'm feeling very cautious because the reward is so high. Theres only a ~33% chance of your opponent having Ash in their opening hand if they're running it at 3 in a 40 card deck, so while it can be anxiety inducing statistically you're probably gonna be fine. Being able to get an untargetable 2800 atk+ beatstick guaranteed with this things effect is really really strong so the preferred search trio used to be Forerunner/Destroyer/Eclipser, but with the recent proliferation of Numeron as the most common going 2nd deck the current best trio for a turn 1 search when you have no ship, no Wicked, and no Gamma in your hand is Wicked/Forerunner/Destroyer, as if you get Eclipser against Numeron without another ship or Wicked in hand you will get otk'd. Given that we only run each of them at 1 its not recommended to try and fetch Sliprider or Dark Lady with this unless you are going to lose the game if you don't get them now, as once theyre gone theyre gone in this deck. His 0 attack doesn't lend itself to ladder combos nearly as well as Farm Girl's 1500+search does, but being the lowest level pilot means that he will always have something to combo into if you have another Kozmo in your hand which is nice. Can be searched by E Tele, but he shouldn't be the main target unless you just need to emergency E Tele to prevent swinging for game or you're going into it after your opponents battle phase. Overall a very strong card that can open up the game for you.
Tincan tl,dr: Top tier option for turn 1, usually wanna search Forerunner/Destroyer/Eclipse
Maxx "C" x2: C is a level 2 with 500/200 that has the effect that you can send it from your hand to the graveyard during either players turn to draw 1 card every time your opponent special summons for the rest of the turn. This effect will be ashed 1000% of the time if you have luck like mine, and when it isn't its because you're playing against an Eldlich. With that crying out of the way, this card is awesome! It only requires 1 special summon from your opponent to go card neutral with this, and Upstart Goblin shows us how powerful that can be. Usually this will go much higher than that or completely end your opponents turn, and in the absolute worst case scenario it eats an Ash that would be stopping your plays. Newer players have a tendency to underestimate this card, but believe me when I say its everything its hyped up to be. Overall theres a reason that stuff like VFD and Rhongo are legal in the OCG, and that reason is because of this card's incredible power to keep combo decks in check. Can run it at 2 or 3, I run it at 2 cuz while I wanna see it in my hand I def don't want to see 2 of them in my hand, but if you're fine with that risk you can go with 3 of them and maybe swap out Goodwitch or something.
C tl,dr: Puts the fear of god in combo decks like nothing else.
Psy-Framegear Gamma x2: Gamma is a level 2 tuner 1000/0 that can't be normal summoned or set, and has the effect that when your opponent activates a monster effect while you control no monsters, you can negate and destroy that and special summon Gamma and Driver to the field, and then at the end of the turn banish them. This should be Kozmo's hand trap of choice. As an enemy phase card this is straight up better than Ash, as trading the ability to hit spell/traps for the ability to negate any effect and destroy the monster while also fortifying your own board is a trade I am extremely comfortable with making. Because this deck combos vertically instead of horizontally, this card is usually better than Ash on player phase too, as our cards get themselves off the field before their effects, which means if your ship gets popped and you're banishing for a search if it gets Ashed you can continue the search with 3500 damage extra now on the board, usually enough to go for game. This card is semi Ash proof as its effect can be negated by Ash but you don't lose any resources and its not a once per turn, so you can just use it again on the next monster effect your opponent procs. Whether its better to use Gamma on enemy phase or player phase is very matchup dependent, as if theyre ending on something like Apollo then thats free advantage for you on your turn, but if theyre something like tri then popping their normal when it goes to use its link effect can be a huge momentum shift. Since this is a going 2nd deck we have the advantage of knowing the situation better than our opponent, so make sure you're really putting thought as to when best to use this given your hand, your opponents deck, and the current situation. Overall this is an incredible card that feels like it was made for this deck (it can even be searched by E Tele!), def run it at as many copies as are legal.
Gamma tl,dr: Stop plays, get advantage, win games
Kozmo Farmgirl x3: Farmgirl is a level 3 1500/1000 that if it inflicts battle damage, you can pay 500 life points to add any Kozmo card to your hand. This was the beating heart of the last deck, and is still pretty darn awesome here. Making clear front rows for her to get a potshot in and start the comboing is always going to be the best case scenario. Her being level 3 is an absolute blessing, because that means that its eligible for E Tele, and she will usually be the best target for it in this deck. 1500 atk isn't nothing, but you're usually going to have to rely on something else to open a hole for her to proc her effect or your opponent being sloppy with their comboing and leaving something small on the table. Being able to search for ANY Kozmo card from your deck means that it can be easily tailored to fit your current situation, but the most common cards you'll go for are Dark Destroyer for its beefy attack, sometimes its monster removal and recycling effect (that Eclipser doesn't have), Sliprider for when you need a backrow card sniped, Dark Lady for when you already have a beefy ship in the hand and want to ladder, and Kozmojo for Eldlich. Now, most combos with this card are very self apparent, since there's really only so much you can do with a single fetch in this deck, but there is one slightly less obvious combo that I wanted to highlight due to its power. The prerequisites for this combo are that you have both Farmgirl and either Tincan on the field, no ship in the hand, and a way to get damage with Farmgirl (obviously). This situation can be quite easily set up by either fetching one of these (usually Tincan) with a dying ship's effect on enemy phase and then summoning the other, or just E Tele one and summon the other. After getting the damage with Farmgirl, fetch another Farmgirl and swap her in on top of Straw/Tin, and then potshot with the new Farmgirl and fetch a new ship to go on top of one of the Farmgirls. The strengths of this combo are numerous. First off, its the most damaging combo you can get off of this situation, where you get a minimum of 5100 damage (FG 1 getting over whatever it kills by 100 into making a clear board into 2nd FG 1500 into Destroyer 3000) vs 3600 without the extra step. The other very strong result is that you end turn with a Farmgirl on your field. More monsters is always good, and having potential access to her ability again next turn is always good. However there are also 2 things to be weary of with this combo, and those are that you can't activate Farmgirls swapout effect multiple times in one turn, even if there are multiple copies. and also that if you have a ship in the hand just going for a ship search is better. Double ships will be more damaging and leave you with guaranteed swaps on death, which is generally better than what Farmgirl can offer on enemy phase. She's not super amazing for turn 1 since she'll usually be off the board before she has a chance to activate her effect, but she doesn't do it particularly worse than Good Witch. If you're really ballsy and the only no trib you draw turn 1 is Farm Girl you could go for the no monster play on t1 to give her the best chance of procing her ability t3 since it absolutely is strong enough to consider, but generally thats not advised for obvious reasons, as if you're going 1st its because your opponent is probably trying to kill you turn 2. Overall a very very good card and one of the main ways you will start combos with this deck.
Farmgirl tl,dr: Make an opening for her and she will lead you to victory
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1: Ash is a level 3 0/1800 tuner that you can discard to stop a card effect that would add to hand from deck, special summon from deck, or send a card from the deck to the graveyard. This card does not have the standard upgrade effect of the other pilots in this deck and can't be fetched by E Tele. Im running this card at 1 because Im running Gamma at 2, and I find 3 hand trap stoppers generally works fine. One of the best cards in the game and one of player 2's best defenses against the unchecked tyranny of player 1.
Ash tl,dr: It stops plays from your hand
Kozmo Goodwitch x1: Goodwitch is a level 4 1800/1000 that you can pay 500 lp to change one face up monster your opponent controls to face down defense. In theory Goodwitch's effect should be pretty good. Being able to interupt a continuous monster effect that may be giving you problems or get over a beatstick with bad defenses obviously give it usecases, but in practice its pretty rare that I want this instead of either of my other 3 not tribs. A lot of things that have continuous effects that you'd like to interupt can't be targeted or have negates, and the beefy beatsticks usually either also cant be targeted or have good enough defenses that it wouldn't help a lot in the first place to swap them. This would obviously be much stronger as a quick effect, but it isnt, so theres no use complaining. Can't be fetched by E Tele (nothing from here on can), but you almost never would even if you could. The 1800 atk is nice enough so you can get over stuff if your opponent bricked or smth, but its not really doing much otherwise. Its best argument for its existence is to make the ladder combo otk sliiiiightly more consistent, since it and Wickedwitch are interchangeable for it. Its the worst no trib Kozmo I run which is why its at 1, but this deck has a lot of stuff that clear front rows so 1800 damage into tag out is pretty alright even if its effect isnt super great.
Goodwitch tl,dr: Effect is mid, but 1800 atk from a level 4 is nothing to scoff at ig.
Kozmoll Wickedwitch x3: Wickedwitch is a level 4 1900/300 that you can pay 1000 lp during either players turn to make it so this card cant be destroyed by battle or card effects for the rest of the turn. I really like this card. Its the deck's 2nd best turn 1 no trib behind Tincan because its effect will almost guarantee it lives to see turn 2 while dampening whatever damage you'd take by 1900 per attack, which isn't an insignificant amount at all. Even beyond turn 1 it provides good damage and can get over some stuff. When a ship dies on enemy phase youre gonna wanna go into this in defense mode if they have other big beaters, as guaranteeing a board and no more damage beyond the 1000 is really really good. Its effect isn't super team focused or synergistic, but who can say no to a good old fashioned lv 4 beat stick in a deck about beatsticking your opponent to death. You CANNOT use this things effect to tank its way through Kaiju Slumber if there are no other monsters that can be destroyed on the field, as slumber needs at least 1 destruction to proc its floating effect. I think common consensus on this monster is generally mixed to negative, but I love it a lot and am never annoyed when it shows up in my hand.
Wickedwitch tl,dr: Use its effect to tank stuff and make sure your front row is never empty, strong as a turn 1 play
Kozmo Sliprider x1: Sliprider is a level 5 2300/800 that can destroy 1 spell/trap when it's summoned, and has the first of our ship abilities where when it is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect it can banish itself to summon a lower leveled Kozmo from the deck. Sliprider is pretty good and has a clear usecase: there is an annoying backrow card and you want to get rid of it or you want to preemptively get rid of one. This deck is kinda light on backrow removal so this serves a valuable niche. Its also supremely summonable, being able to be fetched by all the ships (outside Eclipse) and summoned by all the pilots (outside Dark Lady), and if you're in a situation where your effects are being limited it only requires 1 tribute as disgusting as that is to even consider in this deck. The tradeoff for its summonability is that its comboability is gerneally weaker than most other stuff in the deck, but even w that said compared to a lot of stuff outside of the deck fetching a free level 4 or lower on death is very comboable. On its destruction effect for both player phase and enemy phase Wickedwitch is generally going to be your best bet due to its beefiness and survivability, but as always context is king so don't treat that as a hard rule and the other no tribs also all have situations where they should be fetched instead. 2300 atk is nice if you need to attack with this, but generally this card isn't gonna be used for laddering since its the weakest of the 3 ships in this deck by a good margin. This is a good card with common usecases, but there are other cards in the deck that can do the same thing so its best to keep this at 1 and go into it via search when its really needed.
Sliprider tl,dr: Backrow removal that goes into other stuff on death
Kozmoll Dark Lady x1: Dark Lady is a level 5 2200/1800 that as a quick effect once per turn you can pay 1000 lifepoints to negate the activation of a monster's effect and destroy that monster. Despite being level 5, Dark Lady has the pilot's banish effect rather than the ships. This card is generally pretty niche in its uses, but its very strong in its niches. By default it being level 5 makes it less flexible, but it has the same high amount of summonability as Sliprider so it gets around that quite nicely. Its effect is pretty darn good, obviously being able to neg anything active without a protection effect is very strong, but the problem with this is that most of the effects that give this deck problems are either effect negaters, which are usually either passive or on cards bigger than this. This card has to be used as a an predictive play rather than a reactionary play, because if something that negates effects is going to happen it will be able to negate the pilot's effects that would bring this out, but a 2200 with no protection vs backrow effects doesn't have the greatest shelf life. Despite this bellyaching the effect is still very good, but the main draw for this card to me is as the biggest pilot in a ladder combo. Level 5 is a bit of an awkward level to be searching up or down in this deck, but I do think searching up is better for it as it can combo into your untargetable bosses and off itself as the situation demands. As I said before a full ladder of farm-lv 4-lady-destroyer will kill from full, and the shorter farm-lady-bigship combo is incredibly easy and deals a fat 6500 minimum. I only run this at 1 because its easier for this to become a bit of a brick than most other monsters in this deck, but being the difference between a ladder killing from full vs not is worth making a spot for still. If I were making cuts I would look elsewhere first.
Dark Lady tl,dr: Good for ladder combos and interrupting combos
Kozmo Forerunner x2: Forerunner is a level 7 2800/1400 that is untargetable by opponents card effects and heals you 1000 lp during your standby phase. This card has the ship banish effect. This is the first of the boss monsters, and as such its usecase of "I want a fat unmovable beatstick" is pretty apparent. Can (and often will) be comboed into by Dark Destroyer's death effect which makes getting it out plenty easy. 2800 atk is good, but when the current most common bosses all match or exceed that on atk or def its not gonna be super useful a lot of the time. The 1000 lp healing is really not super useful unless you're in a crazy stalemate, the lp costs in this deck are very low and almost never come into play. On death I usually go into Dark Lady or Wickedwitch depending on whether it died on player phase or enemy phase. Honestly not a super complicated card, what you see is what you get. I've really been kinda digging into it here, but don't let that fool you into thinking that its not good, because it is. Its an essential part of the deck as a finisher for ladders, as a nearly omni searcher on death, and as a search target for Tincan. It just has the problem of being compared to the best card in the deck directly above it.
Forerunner tl,dr: Untargetable beatstick that can go into other stuff on death
Kozmo Dark Destroyer x3: Dark Destroyer is a level 8 3000/1800 that is untargetable by opponents card effects and can optionally target and destroy 1 monster on entry. This has the ship banish effect. This is the Big Boss of the deck, and is usually what you are going to try and go into. Beyond just being an untargetable 3000 beatstick, its on entry effect makes it one of the most versatile cards in the deck. You can pull interesting plays such as bringing it in during the battle phase and proccing its effect on a teammate ship that already attacked to get more damage out of the new monster summoned by the ships banish effect, you can proc its effect on itself and search out Sliprider if you really need a backrow card gone right now, or you could even destroy an opponents monster with it! Dark Destroyer also has the best banish effect of any monster in this deck, giving you the monster of your choice for free. I usually go with Forerunner since that has very similar board presence, but hopefully these writeups will have given you the situations where all the other cards would be useful so you don't just autopilot into Forerunner no matter the situation. This ability doesn't just work on other monsters, but it can also proc on itself. "But Schwa, why would you want to get rid of your own best monster?" you may ask. And the answer to that is "For sick plays." There are two major scenarios where this can be great, beyond the obvious "I need a backrow popped so lemme go into sliprider rq". The first doesn't really pop up in this deck since Strawman was dropped, but if you summon Dark Destroyer, pop itself, and go into Strawman which then revives Dark Destroyer. It's not a super crazy combo, but its free attack and free advantage, so if you're running Strawman keep that one in mind. The other one is much, much stronger. Say you're going second and open Raigeki, Driver, Goodwitch, Forerunner, and Dark Destroyer. A pretty meh hand right? Your first reaction might be to just go into Goodwitch and then straight shot into DD for 4800, but thats actually completely unnecessary, as if your Raigeki goes off you have a clear path to game. What you would do in this situation is start with Goodwitch and attack as usual, then go into Dark Destroyer as usual, but pop itself and then go into Farmgirl. From there you do the typical ladder combo. As long as you have a level 4, Dark Destroyer, and either a big ship or Dark Lady in your opening hand you can do the full combo. 3000 atk is usually enough to get the job done over most stuff, but if it isnt then thats why we have our xyz's. Endgame often results in multiple of these on the board, which is why the only xyz's I specifically looked for and that arent just ed filler are rank 8's. Zombiestein get you over basically everything with its 4500 atk and Teardrop's effect circumvents "Cant be destroyed" effects, but these cards also lose Destroyer's protection effect and you also lose Destroyer's banish effect so don't just go into those willy nilly. Overall this is your Big Boss monster, its incredibly easy to put out on the field, and its incredible effects make it incredibly versatile. If you're not running this at 3 its either because this got semi-limited again or because you're throwing.
Destroyer tl,dr: Your endgoal. Increidbly versatile untargetable beatstick that goes into basically anything else on death. Should prolly read this one imo.
Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju x2: Turtle is a level 8 2200/3000 that you can tribute 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field to special summon it to their side, or if your opponent has a kaiju on their side of the field you can special summon it to your side for free. Up until this point, the cards in my deck have been identical to those in 이주호's, but this is the first deviation, as they have Radian (level 7 2800/2500) instead, so instead of explaining why tributing one of your opponents heavily fortified monsters for a monster that many of the cards in this deck can beat over and also has no effect or protection is good, I'll look at the pros and cons of each kaiju chosen by us. First off is Radian. Radian has 2 main pros going for it: its cost and its attack. Its cost is the more obvious and straightforward one, Radian is an R while Gameciel is an SR, which means it is exponentially easier to acquire. The other one requires a little bit of explaining, as generally lower kaiju attacks are better. However, 2800 also matches Forerunner's attack exactly, and this deck LOVES trades since we get to swap out into anything we want on death and they dont, meaning you could trade with Forerunner, go into Farmgirl, and potentially ladder for game from there, or go into sliprider and get rid of an extremely annoying spell/trap, or go into wickedwitch for some quick extra damage and prepare to turtle (heh) for next turn. The possibilities are endless. Now for the pros of Gameciel, which are level and attack. Level is the big reason why I chose it over Radian (or more specifically chose Gadarla, since I was gonna run Gameciel regardless), as the big boss of this deck is Dark Destroyer, which happens to be level 8. 이주호 didn't really do much with their extra deck, mainly stacking it with low rarity monsters and what I can only assume are solid enough random pulls that didnt get dusted, but since I also made a few decks that focus more on the extra deck I had some crazy strong boss monsters to make it worth investing a bit more in, specifically Teardrop and Zeus. If you give your opponent any Kaiju thats 1 monster down from their side, then you can go into DD and pop another, and then you can bring out a level 8 kaiju to your side and then go into Teardrop and tribute yet another monster from their side, and then attack over or directly and go into Zeus. That is an incredibly strong combo that results in a boss monster stronger than anything we have in our maindeck by miles, and something that may not be possible if you're running 2 copies of the level 7 Radian. The other reason is the same as Radian's, a good attack value for this deck. In 이주호's deck there are only 4 monsters who can beat over Radian cleanly, being the 3 copies of DD and Jizukiru, while in this deck we have 10 different cards that can beat over Gameciel and 1 other who can tie. This means even if our only ship in hand is Sliprider we can still beat over it, which is huge. Overall you should investigate all potential Kaiju's and come up with ones that you think will work best for you
Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju x2: Gadarla is a level 8 2700/1600 with the kaiju effect. This was also selected because of it's level and convenient attack for the deck, since at level 8 it can go into Teardrop w DD while also being beaten over by all our boss monsters. You can also beat over it with Goodwitch if you proc its effect first, which can be useful. Gadarla also fits as a nice inbetween, where its smaller than Thunder King and bigger than Gameciel so if you draw 2 Kaiju you can act accordingly. Not really much to say about Gadarla, since everything I said about Gameciel is also pretty applicable here as well.
Kozmo Dark Eclipse x1: Dark Eclipse is a level 9 3000/2600 that is untargetable by opponents card effects, and during either players turn you can banish 1 Kozmo monster from your graveyard to negate and destroy a trap card activation. This has a unique banish effect, where when its destroyed you can add a lower leveled Kozmo to your hand instead of special summoning it like the other ships. Ok so first off, its active effect sounds good! It isn't. You will very rarely have a Kozmo sitting in your graveyard since their effects are all activated by banishing themselves, and passing up opportunities to keep the tempo up just to have fodder for this generally isn't worth it. Its harder to get on the field than basically anything else in the deck, only having the no tribs as its entryway. Its banish effect is also pretty bad compared to everything else, since I don't have to tell you why just adding to hand is worse than special summoning here. Obviously being able to turn this into a free Dark Destroyer might be a bit much, but as is its not very good. Maybe they could have made it search upwards instead of downwards so you could have got a free Dark Planet off of it and that could have made Dark Planet not so awful, but I'm getting into hypotheticals when I should be sticking to the here and now. Anyways, if its active effect sucks, its banish effect sucks, and its comparatively hard to get on the field, whats even the point of this being in the deck? Well, for one its still a 3000 atk untargetable beatstick that can be swapped into by any no trib in the deck, which is pretty darn good, if not already covered by multiple other cards in this deck. The other, more interesting case to be made for it is in its interaction with Kozmo Tincan. As you will recall, Tincans effect lets you pick 3 Kozmo cards with different names from you deck and your opponent randomly chooses one of those for you to add to your hand, with the others getting discarded. Generally you will want to try and use this effect to bring out one of your untargetable boss monsters, but without Eclipse you only have 2 of those, making it a 33% chance you get stuck with Sliprider or Dark Lady or Kozmotown or whatever you chose as your third. Add on top the risk of just getting Ashed and you're not looking at a super incredible success rate. However, WITH Eclipse in the deck you have an 100% success rate in being given a boss monster, which is huge for consistency's sake. Even better for Eclipse, you will recall that these non-picked cards are sent to the graveyard, fixing its problem of very rarely having fodder with which to use for its effect. This effect moves those other boss monsters from the generally inaccessible graveyard to the much more easy to retrieve banish zone, making this a win win win situation. However, as I explained in Tincan's section the recent rise of Numeron makes going for Eclipse a bad idea in the current meta. So why not drop it? Because while this isn't the best card in the world, VFD might very well be, and we have it in this deck with a pretty easy time bringing it out because of this. If you have E Tele/Farmgirl in hand and Kaiju Slumber you can wipe your opponents board, give yourself Thunder King and them whatever, beat over their Kaiju and then potshot w Farm and call Eclipse, attack directly with that, and then in mainphase 2 you go into the very funnest of dragons. 5600 damage done and the True King Of All Calamities, if your opponent doesn't have removal in hand right then and there they might as well scoop. There are other combos into it too, but thats probably the most likely one, so I won't make this any longer than it needs to be. Overall, obviously I do have my issues with Eclipse, but its interaction with Tincan and its board presence make it worth running at 1 just for the added consistency it brings there, and True King Of All Calamities makes anything worth running if it can be brought out easy enough.
Eclipse tl,dr: Good off of tincan and an untargetable beatstick, plus True King material.
Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju x1: Thunder King is a level 9 3300/2100 with kaiju effect. 이주호 went with Jizukiru because of its interaction with Limiter Removal which I dont run, I'm running Thunder King because of its interaction with Dark Eclipse and True King Of All Calamities which they don't run, so choose whichever one works better for what you're running. For what its worth I think mine is more consistent cuz Eclipse is searchable while Limiter isnt. They're tied for the biggest kaiju so they're often gonna be what you plop onto your side of the field with Slumber if you're just looking for damage, and Thunder King over Gameciel goes for 1100 which is enough to get a kill if you do it alongside level 4 into Dark Lady into DD/DE or Wicked into Dark Lady into bigship. Its a bit spooky using this as a pure kaiju, since we have nothing in the maindeck which gets over it, but we do have a good number of monster removal options so as long as you come prepared you can use it in that way as well.
Raigeki x1: Raigeki is a normal spell that destroys all monsters your opponent controls. Non targeting monster removal is always good and making a clear front row for Farmgirl to start comboing off of is always good. 이주호 runs Dark Hole here, which I get it we like to have our cards destroyed, but that can't be activated during the battle phase which is generally when we want that to happen, so its kinda pointless. Raigeki is also given out for free, so I think its definitely the better card for us. Overall this is a generic staple for a reason, and it fits in well here.
Lightning Storm x2: This card lets you destroy all attack position monsters your opponent controls or all trap and spells your opponent controls, but only if you control no face up cards. This is basically Raigeki and Harpies in one. Obvs v v good. We don't have any continuous traps or spells here, so if we get our front row wiped at any time this is good to go. If you decide to run Kozmotown for this deck I would swap out this for Twin Twisters or something else, since Kozmotown will block this from going off and obviously if your entire frontrow is gone past turn 2 you need to be able to resolve this. I've been thinking about maybe dropping this to 1 for another Ash or maybe even a Sliprider, but its up to you how you want to go about this.
Harpie's Feather Duster x1: Feather Duster is a normal spell that destroys all spell and traps that your opponent controls. Destroying or forcing premature activations of spells and traps is always good, and being able to attack with a clear heart and mind is reason enough for this to be in the deck. Overall another generic staple that helped patch up a bit of a weak spot with this deck.
Emergency Teleport x2: Emergency Teleport (or E Tele as I've been calling it) is a quickplay spell card that special summons one level 3 or lower Psychic monster from your hand or deck and banishes it during this turn's end phase. This card is nuts, like actually insane. 95% of the time we get a level 3 or lower Psychic on the field it's going to be banished before the end of the turn anyways, so this is just a free either turn pilot to either shore up your defenses on enemy phase or lead to huge combos on player phase. Offensively the obvious play out of this card is Farmgirl on player phase into ladder combo, which is made much easier because you still have your normal summon for the turn which can then turn itself into a ship to blast a hole in the enemy front row, and from there just go to town. As for Tincan you do get the search effect, but the timing in this game is made so that it asks you whether you want to activate its banish effect before it asks you whether you want its search effect, and I don't know if that always like that or if its only like that if you already have another Kozmo in your hand, but you can't change the timing on these so you will always be left with an empty board and whatever you searched. Defensively you should avoid using this if at all possible, since its offensive potential is just so much bigger, but if theyre swinging for game or are doing something you can put a stop to by bringing out a pilot then there no getting around it I guess. The two things to be aware of with this card is that all the pilot effects are once per turn tied to the card name, so if you swap out one Farm Girl for a ship then you won't be able to do so with your other Farm Girl that you may have summoned with this, and also that with multiples of the same monster on the field it can become easy to lose track of which one you summoned with this card. I suggest putting the searched one in the far left monster zone or something. Overall this card is insane and you should run as many copies of it as are legal in the current format.
E Tele tl,dr: Go into Farmgirl and go nuts
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber x3: This hard once per turn card lets you destroy every card on the field, and then if you destroyed at least 1 monster you can summon a kaiju of your choice to each side of the field. Then during your next main phase you can banish this card from the graveyard to add 1 kaiju of your choice to your hand. Ok so first things first: I find it hilarious that they clean powercrept Dark Hole after that card was so nuts for so long. Secondly: this card can be Ashed. Yes that really really sucks. If you have another way to try and bait Ash out first like PoE or E Tele its usually gonna be worth going for, since a total board wipe is really strong. Thirdly: do not just blindly default to Thunder King/Gameciel as your 2 kaijus, since as I explained in the kaiju sections Gadarla has uses for itself as well. Consider your matchup, your hand, and your resources before chosing between Thunder King and Gadarla.
Slumber tl,dr: Use your brain and pick your kaiju's
Pot Of Extravagance x3: Pot of Extravagance is a normal spell card that at the beginning of your main phase 1, you can randomly banish 3 or 6 cards from your extra deck in order to draw 1 or 2 cards respectively, and you can't use any other draw effects the turn this card is used. In this deck the extra deck is a luxury, not a need. Yes it does suck losing 40% of our extra deck every time we want to use this, but for every time where I'm like "Man I am going to lose if I don't get Zeus and I currently have the resources to do so" there are dozens of times where I'm like "Man I just need a kaiju and a pilot rn". Pot of Prosperity is another potential option, but halving our damage for the turn usually hurts a lot and makes it entirely a comeback card or a main phase 2 card, so I like the +1 and no other real restrictions of PoE more.
PoE tl,dr: Suck it up your extra deck will be fine
Kozmojo x2: Kozmojo is a normal trap card that banishes one card your opponent controls or from the gy at the cost of destroying one of your Kozmo monsters. This is a really good card, as evidenced by being the only trap card in the entire deck. Non targeting banishment tends to just be a pretty decent trait for a card to have. The main purpose of this card is to make the Eldlich mu slightly more bearable for us, as this is all that we have to put down the golden asshole for good and it even hits him through his invincible phase. Beyond that though its really good in a lot of different places, since like I said non targeting banishment is a good trait for a card to have, and in addition to that its cost is usually more of another plus. Being able to pop ships on demand is incredible and lets you otk soooo much easier, to the point where even if it was just the self destruct effect I'd have to consider using it (not on a trap though, a quickplay spell might be worth it). Just like with Slumber you can't gimmick this's cost with Wickedwitch's ability, it needs to actually kill them to proc the banishment. Overall a card that gives you mobility off of ships and makes one of you hardest matchup easier is a card worth playing.
Kozmojo tl,dr: Use this to give yourself mobility out of ships that have already cleared their activation effect, and as a bonus you get a free removal.
Crimson Blader x1: Crimson Blader is a level 8 synchro with 2800/2600, where if it destroys and sends to the graveyard an opponents monster then your opponent can't normal or special summon monsters level 5 or above. This sounds like a great effect, but you have to consider our current meta. The majority of top decks don't rely very heavily on level 5 pluses, and instead go into ranks or links. The stuff that does run big stuff like Eldlich cant be got over by this, and with Eld the only monster you can Gamma just means they probably have no monster on the field so this card's effect is useless. With all that being said, our extra deck is supposed to be a toolbox filled with stuff that can be good in niche situations. We don't rely on it heavily at all, so a card like this that isn't going to be used a lot is fine because when it is used it could be game winning. Overall this is a very niche card, so don't be scared to replace it with something else niche that you like. Its only really here for me cuz I pulled it in a legacy pack.
Blader tl,dr: There has to be a good deck that ends on high level sub 2800 atk monsters right?
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend x1: Scarlight RDA is a level 8 synchro with 3000/2500 that can once per turn destroy as many special summoned effect monsters as possible with equal or less attack to this card (other than this card) and inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each. This card is pretty good and is going to usually be your default resting place for Gamma and Driver. It has a good statline, can non target gib most of the most common bosses in the game rn other than Ultimate Conductor, Thunder Dragon Titan, and Chaos Max, and its destruction effect can be great for us even if its not usable during the battle phase where it would be most useful. If its effect goes off with no hitches, even if only 1 monster gets gibbed you still kill from full with this and a Farm into DD combo, which can be set up incredibly easy if you normal pilot into ship before you proc its effect. Overall if you're just going to make 1 level 8 Synchro for this deck it should probably be this one, Borreload Savage not withstanding.
Scarlight tl,dr: Your default resting place, usually gonna be able to nuke everything into some nice damage for us.
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady x1: Cyber Slash is a level 8 2600/1400 that as a hard once per turn quick effect, whenever your opponent activates a spell or trap you can target one monster on your opponents side of the field and return it to the hand. Another nice niche card. Usually you would like a bit more attack on smth like this, cuz generally the time your opponent is gonna use traps or spells is either when they don't have much on the field (which would be exacerbated by the fact that they recently went -1 cuz of Gamma) so you're unlikely to have a great target, or during the damage step where this card can't even react. Theres also plenty of decks that just don't really use many spells or traps to begin with. But all that said non destruction removal is really good, and it being a quick effect is even better. You're just gonna have to find and recognize decks that this would work well against on your own, as I haven't ran into any really. Overall a very niche card thats only really here cuz I pulled it. Another tool in the toolbox that could be swapped out for something else you like better.
Cyber Slash tl,dr: Idk what kinda deck this would even be good against
Number 82: Heartlandraco x1: Draco is a generic rank 4 2000/1500 that when you control a face up spell can't be targeted for attacks (useless for us) and can remove 1 material to attack directly (very useful for us). This card is somehow only an N rarity, which means you can craft it for completely free. As you may know, Zeus can summon itself on top of an XYZ if an XYZ battled this turn, and this card can GUARENTEE that you both did battle with an XYZ and have one on the field after the battle phase to proc its effect. We don't run a whole ton of level 4's, just 4 of them, but due to Wickedwitch's staying power its not super impossible to wind up with 2 of them on the board, and if you cant immediately swing for game and have a path to Zeus you should almost always take it. This card isn't super complicated and exists only as an easy way into Zeus, but an easy way into Zeus that is also somehow a N rarity is one of the most valuable things this deck can use. Def keep this specific card in.
Draco tl,dr: Go into Zeus baby
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk x1: Number 80 is a generic rank 4 2 material 0/1200 that can attatch itself to a different XYZ for them to gain 1200 atk, and can twice per turn detach 1 material from itself to banish 1 card from your opponents graveyard. This is mostly here as an anti Eldlich card, since Zeus isn't super great in that mu. Being able to banish 2 cards from your opponents graveyard is really good against a lot of decks, but its almost certainly gonna die next turn. You can TECHNICALLY go into Zeus with this if you make a clear board or rub up against a 0/0 but good luck with that. Overall another niche card but its good in its niche, and since the whole point of this extra deck is to be a toolbox rather than a focus that as good as you can hope for.
Number 80 tl,dr: Use this against Eldlich, might have some even more niche uses elsewhere
True King of All Calamities x1: VFD is a generic rank 9 2 material 3000/3000 that can as a quick effect detach 1 material from itself and declare 1 attribue, for the rest of the turn opponents monsters of the declared attribute cannot use their effects or attack. This is one of the best one way floodgates in the game, and its attached to a 3000/3000 beater made from 2 searchable monsters in this deck. Fun fact, thats good. Really good. Unless you are playing against Eldlich this card is going to win you the duel 9 times out of 10 with the 1 true out being an opponents Kaiju or Droplet, since basically everything else can be reacted to with the stop doing stuff effect. This card's summoning requirement is normal unlike Zeus' so you can and should attack with the 3300 and 3000 beatsticks that make up this before summoning it in mainphase 2 unless you're that scared of one of them getting popped, which fair enough. You should usually summon this in defense, as its usually gonna be mainphase 2 and you also don't want to risk taking a Lightning Storm to the face. Overall a nutso card, and honestly great enough that a very good argument could be made to adjust your ratios of Eclipse and Thunder King to more efficiently bring it out.
VFD tl,dr: Floodgate your opponent and win
Number 22: Zombiestein x1: Zombieman is a 4500/1000 rank 8 xyz that needs 2 level 8 dark's to summon that can negate effects of monsters for 1 turn at the cost of 1 material, 1 discard, and changing this to defense position. This should be used to get over uberbeatsticks with immunity to being popped such as Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon. This obviously seems pretty tricky to get out while theres something like that out, but with E Tele and some luck anything is possible. This is another path into Zeus, and since this has no protection other than being really really big you should probably take that opportunity when its afforded to you.
Zombieman tl,dr: Use this to get over the biggest of the big
Teardrop the Rikka Queen x1: Teardrop is a generic rank 8 2800/2800 with the effect that you can detach 1 material from and then target 1 monster on the field to tribute, and it gains 200 atk until the end of the turn for every tributed card. This thing's primary usecase is to deal with very annoying can't be destroyed by effects that are a bit too big atk wise to go over with Destroyer like the empowered Eldlich's, but as a generic rank 8 its also going to be your main path to Zeus.
Teardrop tl,dr: Use this to get rid of the sticky week old gum that just wont go away. Usually a free Zeus too.
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder x1: Zeus is a 3000/3000 rank 12 XYZ that can special summon itself on top of an XYZ that has attacked this turn, and has the quick effect to detach 2 materials and send everything else on the field to the graveyard and the effect to add a material to itself from hand/deck/gy if another card of yours is destroyed via battle and card effect. Holy crap is this card nuts. Non targeting, non destruction OMNI-REMOVAL as a quick effect is something I would have made up as a kid when I'm trying to bs my brother with my random Japanese card, and even then there's no way he'd buy that as its just too strong. If you can go into this you should unless you can attack for game immediately. The biggest issue with this card in this deck is that its only going to ever realistically have 2 materials, so its omni is only a one time, and at 3000 atk thats good but generally not going to be able to swing for game unless you got some other Kozmos in your hand. You should always summon this in defense, since its hard locked to mp2 and omni wiping while in attack is just begging to get Lightning Stormed. Overall this card is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.
Zeus tl,dr: Your opponent is in the corner now staring down a 3k beatstick with no field.
Linguriboh x1: Linguini is a link 1 300 atk that requires 1 level 4 or lower cyberse as material, and has the quick effect of being able to tribute itself to negate and destroy an activated trap card. If you look closely at our deck, you will notice 1 slight problem with this card: its completely unsummonable. Not a single Cyberse with any level is in our deck, much less one level 4 or lower. So why is this card here then? Because Knightmare Corruptor Iblee exists. Its not super common, to the point where I've never even encountered one on the ladder, but it exists and as a card that prevents special summoning other than Links its obviously a card we don't want at all on our side of the field. Since we have the space in our extra deck we may as well stick in the one card that can get rid of it for free, and its quick effect is pretty good too for something that we get for free. Leaving a 300 atk monster on the field is pretty scary, especially against the Code Talker decks that run this card, but we're pretty reliant on our normal summon and given our vertical combo style it's usually unfortunately going to have to stay unless we also drew Kaiju Slumber. Overall an incredibly niche card and one I would like to not have to play, but auto losing vs Code Talker wouldn't be very fun either so its here to stay. You can replace this with Link Devotee which does basically the same thing at N rarity instead of SR, but its effect is useless so I just went with the better version.
Linguini tl,dr: Get owned Code Talker, you top meta threat you
Knightmare Phoenix x1: Phoenix is a link 2 that requires 2 monsters with different names with 1900 attack with the hard once per turn effect that if its Link Summoned you can discard 1 card to target and destroy 1 enemy backrow then if this was co-linked when this effect was activated you can draw 1 card, and also co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. Another toolbox piece that I still have never once used, but its an option if your really need backrow removal asap. It being super generic is great cuz we can just go into it with basically whatever, but it won't likely stick around once it comes out. A replaceable card if you find another rank 8 you really like or something else that you just thinks provides more value.
Phoenix tl,dr: Pop a backrow bro
Knightmare Unicorn x1: Unicorn is a link 3 requiring 2+ monsters with different names and has 2200 attack, with the hard opt effect of if this card is Link Summoned you can discard 1 card to target 1 card on the field to shuffle back into the deck and then if this was co-linked when this effect was activated you can draw 1 card. While any co-linked "Knightmare" monsters are on the field, for your normal draw in your Draw Phase, draw 1 card for each different card name among those co-linked "Knightmare" monsters, instead of drawing just 1 card. Another toolbox-y card, but generally you're only going to be able to go into this if Gamma resolved, as getting 3 different cards on the field for us outside of that is generally really hard to the point where if the situation has gifted us that then we're also very unlikely to even need this things effect over whatever else we want do with our cards. Overall the vast majority of the time even if you do want to go into our other rank 3, but thats ok because the rare occasions where you can go into this and are able to are what a toolbox is all about.
Unicorn tl:dr: For when Gamma procs and you need something removed non destruction style
I:P Masquerena x1: Ip is a link 2 requiring 2 non link monsters and has 800 attack, with the effect that you can link summon with this card during your opponents main phase and also card that are link summoned w this cant be destroyed by opponents card effects. Usually gonna be made from Gamma + Driver and go into Borrelsword or Master Tenyi to make invincible dudes. Its important to remember that these monsters are only immune to destruction from your opponents card effects, and they will be gibbed if you proc Kaiju Slumber. You should always go into this before you link summon anything link 3 or higher, since we're 99.999% of the time only going to do 1 link summon of a link 3 or higher in the duel and the free protection is just added bonus while IP hereself doesn't make any of our high links harder to summon. If you could summon them without IP, you can also summon them with IP as one of the materials. Overall just a card that you use as a stop along the way to make a slightly more invincible monster.
Ip tl,dr: Go into this before you go into a link 3+
Draco Masters of the Tenyi x1: Draco is a link 3 that requires 2+ monsters including a link, and has 2600 atk. It cant be destroyed by battle with an effect monster (so basically invincible vs everything but Blue Eyes), and has the hard opt effect of being able to non target destroy opponents monsters up to the number of normal monsters you control + in your grave (so generally 1 cuz of Driver) if you don't control another effect monster. Along with Scarlight, this is going to be one of your most common ending spots for a Gamma+Driver that proced on player phase. Compared to Scarlight this requires a bit more resources to get out, as it'll also eat your normal summon for the turn, but in exchange for that you will get a card immune to backrow destruction and basically immune to frontrow destruction and also has non targeting destruction which is really nice. This card can be used to stall and disrupt very well vs a number of decks, but vs some of the top meta decks it runs into some issues like not being immune to Shurag's banishment and being smaller than and not able to circumvent Empowered Eld's destruction immunity, but even with those issues it creates a stalemate vs Drytron if it sees the field, usually beats over Apollo, circumvents Simorgh, and can outlast Borreload Savage. A really good card that is one of the most practical things we can go into given our limited swam ability.
Draco tl,dr: Our 2nd budget crooked cook, this time with actual field presence
Borrelsword Dragon x1: Borrelsword is a link 4 that requires 3+ monsters with different names and has 3000 attack. It cannot be destroyed by battle, and has the once per turn quick effect that cant be responded to of you can target 1 Attack Position monster and change it to Defense Position and this card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. It also has the other once per turn effect of when this card declares an attack on a face-up monster: you can activate its effect to until the end of this turn gain ATK equal to half that monster's current ATK, and if it does, that monster's current ATK is halved. If we had an actual good way to turbo this card out onto the field we would probably win the Eldlich mu. This card is nuts, absolutely broken, and only gets infinitely stronger when its summoned with IP (which it always will be in this deck). The super relevant monsters it has a bad mu against off the top of my head are Shurag which can banish it on entry, Zeus which can send it to the graveyard, Draco Future which can neg and steal, and Kaiju which are a bad mu vs basically everything. Everything else it will beat over immediately or outlast, even obscenely broken cards like VFD or Rhongo. Its not THAT incredibly hard to get this out, as a player phase gamma, normal summon and either double kaiju or e tele gets it out, but its still pretty rough especially when you're going up against the problem mus that need it in the first place. If you can think of a good and easy way to get this out that wouldn't gut this deck then I say go for it! Let me know what you think up so I can steal it because this card is absolutely up there with VFD and Zeus as the best cards in this extra deck.
Borrelsword tl,dr: This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.
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