Deck Primer
Getting Generaider Boss Stage In The Field Zone
Ultimately... you want to get Generaider Boss Stage in the field. There are a couple ways to do this depending on what's in your hand:
- Generaider Boss Quest - This only works if you have 1+ other Generaider monster(s) in your hand... target a Generaider monster in your hand and add Generaider Boss Stage and Generaider Boss Room to your hand. Activate Boss Stage and set Boss Room.
- Generaider Boss Stage - This is pretty obvious... just activate it and put it in the field.
- Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Normal summon Loptr, then tribute Loptr to special summon Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light, then activate Mardel to search Generaider Boss Room. Again... if you have another Generaider monster in your hand, search Generaider Boss Quest instead and activate Boss Stage and set Boss Room.
- Set Generaider Boss Fight in your trap zone and activate as soon as you can... (If playing on dueling nexus... I turn manual chaining on so I can activate it during the opp's draw phase).
- Summon Condemned Witch and add Forbidden Droplet (not necessary but I mean hey- it helps). During your opp's main phase, activate Condemned Witch and summon Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses and just do the thing previously explained. It's important to realize that this only gets Boss Stage in your hand (or Boss Stage and Boss Room if you searched Generaider Boss Quest... you won't be able to activate them until the next turn).
Generaider Monsters
Once you get Boss Stage in the field zone, the world is your metaphorical oyster. When your opp adds a card from their main deck to their hand (which basically means during the draw phase) Boss Stage lets you special summon 1 Generaider monster from your deck. Since Boss Stage also lets you flood your empty monster zones with Generaider Tokens that can be utilized by other Generaider Monsters, you should special summon different Generaider Monsters according to the situation.
- By default, I normally special summon a Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses if the opp isn't about to do something serious. Not only does this allow you to tribute a Generaider token (or Loptr itself if you're really desperate), but it also adds 1000 ATK/DEF to all Generaider monsters/tokens during your opp's turn. Most of the time, I'll use Loptr's effect to summon Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms.
- Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms- This guy is pretty effective. Once per turn, you can tribute two Generaider tokens (or monsters if you need to) and negate any opp's card activation and destroy that card. Not only that, if your opp draws a card any time other than the draw phase, you can activate Harr and make your opp choose 1 card from their hand or field to send to the grave (once per turn).
- Utgarda, Generaider Boss of Delusion- Pretty good card that let's you tribute 2 tokens (or generaider monsters) and banish 1 card your opp controls.
- Nidhogg, Generaider Boss of Ice- Let's you negate 1 special summon your opp tries to make. (side note: just started watching Soul Eater and Nidhogg is in it... so yeah ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
- Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron- I use this if I have more than one Generaider monster and/or machine kaijus in my hand. Tribute any number of Generaider tokens (or monsters) and special summon the same number of machine and/or Generaider monsters in your hand.
- Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom- Use this by tributing 1 Generaider token (or monster) and bringing back a Generaider monster from your grave. I also use this to put as many level 9 monsters on the board for Extra Deck special summons.
- Generaider Boss Room- Not a monster, but very important. Since you will most likely be activating a lot of effects with Generaider Monsters, your opp is more likely to chain something with those effects. If this happens, you can discard 1 card and negate it. Not only that, but both players then draw a card... which paired with Boss Stage, is a free Generaider special summon. Two birds, one stone.
It seems like a lot... but honestly you get the hang of it really quick. Another helpful thing is that these are all quick effects, so say your opp brings out the dreaded mystic mine (or any other shutdown card), you can activate Harr or Utgarda and yeet it off the field before anything unnecessary happens.
I think Kaiju is pretty underplayed. It's kind of hard to make a pure Kaiju deck since you can only control one Kaiju at a time... but that's what makes it a perfect addition to a 40 card deck.
I mainly have Kaiju in it to remove Dragoon or any other cards (but mainly Dragoon... I hate Dragoon) while avoiding "destroyed by battle/ effect" conditions. Normally I give my Gamecial, the Sea Turtle Kaiju and myself Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju. If I'm especially lucky, I use Forbidden to add some more damage to the opp.
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber is in here to act as a sort of Raigeki. Not only can you even out the field, but you can later banish Slumber and add 1 Kaiju from your deck to your hand.
Kaiju Capture Mission, The Kaiju Files, and Kyoutou Waterfront are included to give yourself some Kaiju counters. I think that Kaiju monster effects are seriously overlooked and can be huge game changers. Just remember that if your opp has a Kaiju monster, they can also utilize Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field. So be careful that you don't give your opp a Kaiju monster that can use 2 Kaiju counters while you can only use 3.
Other "stuff"
So there are some other cards in here that are pretty important.
- Trias Hierarchia- Works really great with Generaider tokens. During either turn, you can tribute 3 (or less) fairy tokens (or monsters) and special summon this card from your grave or hand. Then you can destroy 1 card on the field and draw 2 cards. It's also a level 9 monster, which is foundation of most the extra deck.
- Exodia, the Legendary Defender- This card gains ATK/DEF based on the combined ATK/DEF of the two cards used for its tribute summon. Not only that, but if possible, you can tribute 5 monsters you control and this card gains the combined ATK/DEF of those 5 monsters. Since Generaider floods your board with monsters pretty quickly, this shouldn't be too hard to do. Not only that! But if you tribute 5 monsters for this card's summon, and then destroy an opp's dark/fiend monster, you automatically win. To be fair, if this gains the attack of 5 monsters, I don't think you have to worry too much about the dark/fiend condition.
- Malefic Cyber End Dragon- Another card that I think is pretty overlooked. It's probably the easiest card with 4000 ATk to summon that I know. All you have to do to special summon this card is banish 1 Cyber End Dragon from your extra deck. Conveniently enough, there is 1 Cyber End Dragon in the extra deck at your disposal. It's important to note that if there is no face-up card on the field, then this card is destroyed as soon as you special summon it. Also... other monsters you control cannot attack. (If you have 3 other level 9 monsters on the field, you can special summon Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, detach 1 card, negate the "other monsters you control cannot attack" effect of Malefic Cyber End Dragon, and deal up to a whopping 8500 damage.)
- The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode and The Winged Dragon of Ra- Sphere mode is in here for the usual reason. Winged Dragon of Ra is included for when you regain control of the Sphere Mode you give the opp. Also... with all the special summons you can do with Generaider, your opp is more likely to hit you with a Sphere Mode of their own. If this happens, you can use it against them and summon Winged Ra from your deck.
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring- I only run 1 Ash Blossom because... well I ran out of room in the deck. One is still helpful because it can be tributed by Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom to bring back a Generaider from the grave.
- Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries- Another display of my hatred for Dragoon. The moment your opp controls more monsters than you, you can discard Ghost Reaper and select Dragoon in your extra deck. If your opp has Dragoon(s) in their extra deck... they don't anymore. The best part is that, even if your opp doesn't have a Dragoon, there is no punishment for an incorrect "guess". I also keep Time Thief Redoer and Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL in the side deck for the same effect. I just chose those two to place in the side deck because those are the two cards that can be problematic with this deck. You can substitute these into your extra deck (or any monster that you wish) and do the same thing. Just remember that the real enemy here is Dragoon.
- Waking the Dragon- Another card that I feel is underplayed (and that's fine by me) is Waking the Dragon. It literally exists for no other reason but to be destroyed by the opp's card effect. You can then special summon any monster (that you can) from your extra deck or main deck. Any fusion monster is fair game (except Dragoon), but be careful if selecting an XYZ monster to special summon. If you're gonna special summon an XYZ monster from the extra deck, I'd recommend either Number C9: Chaos Dyson Sphere, Number 9: Dyson Sphere, or Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon. These monsters don't require XYZ material to work their magic.
- Draining Shield- Pretty self-explanatory. Free Life-Points/ attack negation. If you're lucky, you can use the extra life-points to give your Ra some more firepower.
- Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force- I'll admit, this adds brick potential to a deck that is hard enough to normal summon with. However, I still wasn't sure if I should get rid of it (let me know what you think I guess). If you do get to use Rank-Up on Dyson Sphere... the payout is huge. As long as C9 Chaos Dyson is on the field, you can add up the materials to deal some wumbo damage.
Side Deck
Some cards that I have in here that suit me. There's only 10 cards in it, so you can replace and add to the side deck as much as you want, but since I wrote this much, I might as well explain why I have what I have in it.
- Nibiru, the Primal Being- Um... same reason it's ever placed in the side deck. Even if you do hand the opp a card with a hella amount of ATK/DEF, the Kaiju aspect (and possibly Raigeki if you're lucky) can help you get rid of that.
- Droll & Lock Bird- Just here to stop the draw. Placed it in the side deck with the idea of stopping Exodia draws. Can be used to stop any deck that relies on a lot of draw power.
- Time Thief Redoer and Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL- explained before... just in here to use with Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries.
- Mind Crush- Versatile but intended to stop Exodia. When you see the opp add a card to their hand, just write it down and make em get rid of it. Very devastating to Exodia, but use as you see fit.
- Cloak and Dagger- If you know that your opp relies on one card (e.g. Cyber Dragon, Predaplant Verte Anaconda, etc.), you can try and set this up to tear them down.
Again this is just what I have in the side deck, you can replace it with what you see fit.
Extra Deck
Not much to say about it. Generaider adds a lot of level 9 monsters on your field, so the Extra Deck is mostly XYZ monsters that require level 9 monsters. All things considered, the XYZ monsters each work any situation. Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity is a Generaider monster that can be activated each turn to 1000 ATK/DEF each turn. Also, it forces your opp to draw a card, which lets you special summon a Generaider monster from your deck if you have Boss Stage in the field zone. Other than, it's pretty much up to you what you want to summon and when you want to.
Final Thoughts
Soooooooo.... yeah. That's it. The downside to having a bunch of level 9 monsters is that bricks exist. However, this deck bricks just as much for me as any meta deck... which is to say, it doesn't brick too often. This is my first deck that I'm posting and I might do more... but idk. If you have any criticism to make, no matter how harsh, please make it. Also, I'm relatively new to Yugioh, but dang I didn't know decks could get this expensive. Personally, this deck has worked out on most other deck types that I've played (Cyber Dragon, Drytron, Dragoon (ew), Ojama, Darkworld, Exodia, Traptrix). With a good start, it shuts down most meta (kekw Eldlich is touch-and-go). This deck is ultimately for my man Rowan, but if you think it would work out for you too... feel free to do whatever you want.
So basically... I made this deck out of my hatred for dragoon. Also... I didn't know how to convert a custom deck to an excel spreadsheet... so I just made this link for a friend of mine. This is my first custom deck that's ever worked. It's also my first deck I've ever uploaded... so I'll try my best to explain it. I'm sure that there are flaws in it and I'm open to criticism to help make it better. <!--more-->
Getting Generaider Boss Stage In The Field Zone
Ultimately... you want to get Generaider Boss Stage in the field. There are a couple ways to do this depending on what's in your hand:
- Generaider Boss Quest - This only works if you have 1+ other Generaider monster(s) in your hand... target a Generaider monster in your hand and add Generaider Boss Stage and Generaider Boss Room to your hand. Activate Boss Stage and set Boss Room.
- Generaider Boss Stage - This is pretty obvious... just activate it and put it in the field.
- Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Normal summon Loptr, then tribute Loptr to special summon Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light, then activate Mardel to search Generaider Boss Room. Again... if you have another Generaider monster in your hand, search Generaider Boss Quest instead and activate Boss Stage and set Boss Room.
- Set Generaider Boss Fight in your trap zone and activate as soon as you can... (If playing on dueling nexus... I turn manual chaining on so I can activate it during the opp's draw phase).
- Summon Condemned Witch and add Forbidden Droplet (not necessary but I mean hey- it helps). During your opp's main phase, activate Condemned Witch and summon Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses and just do the thing previously explained. It's important to realize that this only gets Boss Stage in your hand (or Boss Stage and Boss Room if you searched Generaider Boss Quest... you won't be able to activate them until the next turn).
Generaider Monsters
Once you get Boss Stage in the field zone, the world is your metaphorical oyster. When your opp adds a card from their main deck to their hand (which basically means during the draw phase) Boss Stage lets you special summon 1 Generaider monster from your deck. Since Boss Stage also lets you flood your empty monster zones with Generaider Tokens that can be utilized by other Generaider Monsters, you should special summon different Generaider Monsters according to the situation.
- By default, I normally special summon a Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses if the opp isn't about to do something serious. Not only does this allow you to tribute a Generaider token (or Loptr itself if you're really desperate), but it also adds 1000 ATK/DEF to all Generaider monsters/tokens during your opp's turn. Most of the time, I'll use Loptr's effect to summon Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms.
- Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms- This guy is pretty effective. Once per turn, you can tribute two Generaider tokens (or monsters if you need to) and negate any opp's card activation and destroy that card. Not only that, if your opp draws a card any time other than the draw phase, you can activate Harr and make your opp choose 1 card from their hand or field to send to the grave (once per turn).
- Utgarda, Generaider Boss of Delusion- Pretty good card that let's you tribute 2 tokens (or generaider monsters) and banish 1 card your opp controls.
- Nidhogg, Generaider Boss of Ice- Let's you negate 1 special summon your opp tries to make. (side note: just started watching Soul Eater and Nidhogg is in it... so yeah ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
- Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron- I use this if I have more than one Generaider monster and/or machine kaijus in my hand. Tribute any number of Generaider tokens (or monsters) and special summon the same number of machine and/or Generaider monsters in your hand.
- Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom- Use this by tributing 1 Generaider token (or monster) and bringing back a Generaider monster from your grave. I also use this to put as many level 9 monsters on the board for Extra Deck special summons.
- Generaider Boss Room- Not a monster, but very important. Since you will most likely be activating a lot of effects with Generaider Monsters, your opp is more likely to chain something with those effects. If this happens, you can discard 1 card and negate it. Not only that, but both players then draw a card... which paired with Boss Stage, is a free Generaider special summon. Two birds, one stone.
It seems like a lot... but honestly you get the hang of it really quick. Another helpful thing is that these are all quick effects, so say your opp brings out the dreaded mystic mine (or any other shutdown card), you can activate Harr or Utgarda and yeet it off the field before anything unnecessary happens.
I think Kaiju is pretty underplayed. It's kind of hard to make a pure Kaiju deck since you can only control one Kaiju at a time... but that's what makes it a perfect addition to a 40 card deck.
I mainly have Kaiju in it to remove Dragoon or any other cards (but mainly Dragoon... I hate Dragoon) while avoiding "destroyed by battle/ effect" conditions. Normally I give my Gamecial, the Sea Turtle Kaiju and myself Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju. If I'm especially lucky, I use Forbidden to add some more damage to the opp.
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber is in here to act as a sort of Raigeki. Not only can you even out the field, but you can later banish Slumber and add 1 Kaiju from your deck to your hand.
Kaiju Capture Mission, The Kaiju Files, and Kyoutou Waterfront are included to give yourself some Kaiju counters. I think that Kaiju monster effects are seriously overlooked and can be huge game changers. Just remember that if your opp has a Kaiju monster, they can also utilize Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field. So be careful that you don't give your opp a Kaiju monster that can use 2 Kaiju counters while you can only use 3.
Other "stuff"
So there are some other cards in here that are pretty important.
- Trias Hierarchia- Works really great with Generaider tokens. During either turn, you can tribute 3 (or less) fairy tokens (or monsters) and special summon this card from your grave or hand. Then you can destroy 1 card on the field and draw 2 cards. It's also a level 9 monster, which is foundation of most the extra deck.
- Exodia, the Legendary Defender- This card gains ATK/DEF based on the combined ATK/DEF of the two cards used for its tribute summon. Not only that, but if possible, you can tribute 5 monsters you control and this card gains the combined ATK/DEF of those 5 monsters. Since Generaider floods your board with monsters pretty quickly, this shouldn't be too hard to do. Not only that! But if you tribute 5 monsters for this card's summon, and then destroy an opp's dark/fiend monster, you automatically win. To be fair, if this gains the attack of 5 monsters, I don't think you have to worry too much about the dark/fiend condition.
- Malefic Cyber End Dragon- Another card that I think is pretty overlooked. It's probably the easiest card with 4000 ATk to summon that I know. All you have to do to special summon this card is banish 1 Cyber End Dragon from your extra deck. Conveniently enough, there is 1 Cyber End Dragon in the extra deck at your disposal. It's important to note that if there is no face-up card on the field, then this card is destroyed as soon as you special summon it. Also... other monsters you control cannot attack. (If you have 3 other level 9 monsters on the field, you can special summon Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, detach 1 card, negate the "other monsters you control cannot attack" effect of Malefic Cyber End Dragon, and deal up to a whopping 8500 damage.)
- The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode and The Winged Dragon of Ra- Sphere mode is in here for the usual reason. Winged Dragon of Ra is included for when you regain control of the Sphere Mode you give the opp. Also... with all the special summons you can do with Generaider, your opp is more likely to hit you with a Sphere Mode of their own. If this happens, you can use it against them and summon Winged Ra from your deck.
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring- I only run 1 Ash Blossom because... well I ran out of room in the deck. One is still helpful because it can be tributed by Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom to bring back a Generaider from the grave.
- Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries- Another display of my hatred for Dragoon. The moment your opp controls more monsters than you, you can discard Ghost Reaper and select Dragoon in your extra deck. If your opp has Dragoon(s) in their extra deck... they don't anymore. The best part is that, even if your opp doesn't have a Dragoon, there is no punishment for an incorrect "guess". I also keep Time Thief Redoer and Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL in the side deck for the same effect. I just chose those two to place in the side deck because those are the two cards that can be problematic with this deck. You can substitute these into your extra deck (or any monster that you wish) and do the same thing. Just remember that the real enemy here is Dragoon.
- Waking the Dragon- Another card that I feel is underplayed (and that's fine by me) is Waking the Dragon. It literally exists for no other reason but to be destroyed by the opp's card effect. You can then special summon any monster (that you can) from your extra deck or main deck. Any fusion monster is fair game (except Dragoon), but be careful if selecting an XYZ monster to special summon. If you're gonna special summon an XYZ monster from the extra deck, I'd recommend either Number C9: Chaos Dyson Sphere, Number 9: Dyson Sphere, or Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon. These monsters don't require XYZ material to work their magic.
- Draining Shield- Pretty self-explanatory. Free Life-Points/ attack negation. If you're lucky, you can use the extra life-points to give your Ra some more firepower.
- Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force- I'll admit, this adds brick potential to a deck that is hard enough to normal summon with. However, I still wasn't sure if I should get rid of it (let me know what you think I guess). If you do get to use Rank-Up on Dyson Sphere... the payout is huge. As long as C9 Chaos Dyson is on the field, you can add up the materials to deal some wumbo damage.
Side Deck
Some cards that I have in here that suit me. There's only 10 cards in it, so you can replace and add to the side deck as much as you want, but since I wrote this much, I might as well explain why I have what I have in it.
- Nibiru, the Primal Being- Um... same reason it's ever placed in the side deck. Even if you do hand the opp a card with a hella amount of ATK/DEF, the Kaiju aspect (and possibly Raigeki if you're lucky) can help you get rid of that.
- Droll & Lock Bird- Just here to stop the draw. Placed it in the side deck with the idea of stopping Exodia draws. Can be used to stop any deck that relies on a lot of draw power.
- Time Thief Redoer and Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL- explained before... just in here to use with Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries.
- Mind Crush- Versatile but intended to stop Exodia. When you see the opp add a card to their hand, just write it down and make em get rid of it. Very devastating to Exodia, but use as you see fit.
- Cloak and Dagger- If you know that your opp relies on one card (e.g. Cyber Dragon, Predaplant Verte Anaconda, etc.), you can try and set this up to tear them down.
Again this is just what I have in the side deck, you can replace it with what you see fit.
Extra Deck
Not much to say about it. Generaider adds a lot of level 9 monsters on your field, so the Extra Deck is mostly XYZ monsters that require level 9 monsters. All things considered, the XYZ monsters each work any situation. Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity is a Generaider monster that can be activated each turn to 1000 ATK/DEF each turn. Also, it forces your opp to draw a card, which lets you special summon a Generaider monster from your deck if you have Boss Stage in the field zone. Other than, it's pretty much up to you what you want to summon and when you want to.
Final Thoughts
Soooooooo.... yeah. That's it. The downside to having a bunch of level 9 monsters is that bricks exist. However, this deck bricks just as much for me as any meta deck... which is to say, it doesn't brick too often. This is my first deck that I'm posting and I might do more... but idk. If you have any criticism to make, no matter how harsh, please make it. Also, I'm relatively new to Yugioh, but dang I didn't know decks could get this expensive. Personally, this deck has worked out on most other deck types that I've played (Cyber Dragon, Drytron, Dragoon (ew), Ojama, Darkworld, Exodia, Traptrix). With a good start, it shuts down most meta (kekw Eldlich is touch-and-go). This deck is ultimately for my man Rowan, but if you think it would work out for you too... feel free to do whatever you want.
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