2025-03-22 22:02:04
+ 2Unexpected Dai+ 2Blaze Cannon+ 1Topologic Bomber Dragon+ 1Arcana Knight Joker+ 2The Winged Dragon of Ra+ 2The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix+ 3The True Sun God+ 2The Tricky+ 1Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax+ 1Surgical Striker - S.P.E.C.T.R.A.+ 1Draco Masters of the Tenyi+ 2Queen's Knight+ 1Court of Cards+ 3Joker's Knight+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 2Thunderspeed Summon+ 3Imperial Bower+ 2Royal Straight+ 1Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights+ 1Summon Sorceress+ 1Arcana Extra Joker+ 2King's Knight+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 1Topologic Zeroboros+ 1Borrelcode Dragon+ 1Topologic Trisbaena+ 1Ancient Chant+ 3Joker's Wild+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 2Jack's Knight+ 3Joker's Straight+ 1Arcana Triumph Joker+ 1Link Spider
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