When I do my daily uploads, I try not to make a deck on an archetype I've already used - in b4 someone mentions danger! - but the synergy between these two is just too good not to be uploaded on here! This banished-based archetype allows you to not only plus, but to get some extra negates on field if you play your cards right; so with that being said, let me explain why this archetype is so good, and what can it do.
First of all, let me just state that this is a splash archetype. I do not see this doing well on its own - it has a nice gimmick and all don't get me wrong, but just not enough cards or good effects to make it worthwhile playing this set of cards by themselves. However: cards like Nemesis Corridor still do have worthwhile effects. You can shuffle back a banished card, like it states, and then use it as fodder for colossus. It's a really cool play, as it allows you to extend and put a restriction on your opponent. Corridor is also available as a target for Raidjin, another disruption. I won't necessarily bother explaining the Invoked combos - as I've covered them in the past.
I run the Striker engine for consistency, and it does the job pretty well. One thing I would want to mention is Protos - it's a decent card and enables targets for your nemesis monsters, but you'd usually side it out game 2 and 3. It's also a nice beatstick when it comes to it, but usually you manage to make a pretty decent control board. Also, when showing the deck to my friend I'd had come to mind that I should most likely clarify: Secure Gardna is the target for Mechaba - just to put it out there.
In the end: this deck deserves a good 8/10. It's nice, and definitely uses the nemesis archetype nicely. Over all, not the best iteration of Invoked, but hopefully you enjoy it and have fun playing the archetype.