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Trif's Pendulum Pick N' Mix! (Master Rule 2020) Ever felt like playing VFD in Pendulum? Do you want to combo off with dinos AND resolve servant in a 60 card deck? Me neither; but you can! The Pend G
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Numeron Eldlich (Master Rule 2020) This deck was a mistake. I don't think there's much more to it. One of the most powerful meta decks combined with a 1-card Utopic Zexal and the abilit
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Cyber-Stein Turbo (Master Rule 2020) Fusion summoning is one of the oldest mechanics in the game - but by no way the weakest. Considered tapping into the power of these purple phenomena?
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Tzolkin HERO - Insane Combos! (Master Rule 2020) Heroes have been a great deck for quite some time - but you know what would make them even stronger? Ultimaya Tzolkin. Tap into the power of the crims
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Zoodiac - Viable Rogue! (Post Feb. 2020) Who thought that after its prime-time being over, some madlad would bring Zoodiac to a regional in 2020 - only to get 5th place after a whole new rese
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Sky Striker - Still Viable! (Post Jan. 2020) Hear me out - Striker isn't dead. I know many people may disagree, but the deck still has powerful capabilities. All it needs is a bit of tweaking and
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