2024-06-20 13:26:58
+ 3Unexpected Dai+ 1Tornado Dragon+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 3Hysteric Sign+ 1Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack+ 1Lightning Chidori+ 1Number 82: Heartlandraco+ 3Harpie Perfumer+ 1Harpie's Pet Dragon+ 2Simorgh, Bird of Perfection+ 2Harpie Harpist+ 1Number 39: Utopia Double+ 2Cyber Slash Harpie Lady+ 1Harpie Oracle+ 1Harpie Dancer+ 1Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty+ 3Harpie Queen+ 1Harpies' Hunting Ground+ 3Harpie Lady+ 2Hysteric Party+ 1Number 11: Big Eye+ 1Number 39: Utopia+ 1Harpie Conductor+ 2Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon+ 1Ice Beast Zerofyne+ 3Harpie's Feather Storm+ 3Elegant Egotist+ 3Harpie Channeler+ 1Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder+ 1Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh+ 1Alluring Mirror Split+ 1Double or Nothing!+ 2Effect Veiler
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