OK! This deck might not be the PUREST of decks like I suggested up above, but it's SOOO hard to build a 100% Guardragon deck that's good. I had to add in some things. Basically what this deck does is sending Justiacia to the gy along with background Drag via dragon shrine, then SS Background along with 1 lvl 4 or lower frmo your hand (you should have a level 4 or lower.). Once you SSed the Background and the Lvl 4 or lower, send Promeneses from your hand to the GY (If you have Promineses) to trigger it's effect WHEN a nomal monster leaves the field. Then linking into hieratic spheres. Afterwards, if you didn't send Promineses to the GY via it's OWN effect, you should have Crusadia Draco (Ik, here's a crusadia, But honestly, it's against the law to not add it in, SOrry :3), or quick launch or whatever that'll summon a dragon. From there on it's just linking into Elpy, then if you have the following cards in your hand, follow the following precedures:
Draco (If you didn't use it's effect to summon itself to link into Elpy,) SS it next to a link monster's zone. Link using the draco and hieratic into agarpain. Agarpain's effect Summons Crystal wing. (Also, there's an alternative,) After you SS draco, Normal Summon a dragon, as I don't think you have normal Summoned yet, then use hieratic, draco and the normal summoned monster to link into saryuja. You won't get the draw effect, but it's good. Activate Elpy, Summoning Red-Eyes Darkness Metal from your hand/deck, then SS 1 dragon from your GY or hand using Darkness Metal's effect. Then use Darkness and the SSed dragon (Darkness Metal summoned) to link into agarpain, afterwards, agarpain summoned Crystal Wing, Then you can go for a Link Summon of a Link 4, then if you have the right cards and if you play the right cards in the right way, you SHOUL be able to summon at least 1 more Synchro monster. SHOULD!!!
World Legacy Guardragon, activate it, summon a dragon if you want to, then move Elpy to the zone DIRECTLY BENEATH Hieratic to trigger it's effect, which will summon Darkness Metal, then activate Darkness to SS a drag from hand or gy, then, either: 1) Use all 4 monsters to Link into Saryuja. 2) Use every monster except Elpy. Both will work, for No.1, Saruja will draw 4 cards, then shuffle 3 into the deck (Also!!!! I would not suggest using all monsters, except Elpy for the link summon of Saryuja if you do not have a monster in your hand that can be SSed by Saryuja's effect.) | (If you have no monsters you can SS using Saryuja's effect before the draw, and you draw a SS-Able monster, shuffle the not needed cards into the deck), No.2 Saryuja SSes a monster from your hand, if you can, if not, you're stuffed.
Alright, that's about it, also if you get a really lucky hand, you SHOULD be able to summon Crystal Wing, Borreload Savage/F.A. Dawn Dragster ("/" because I don't think you can Summon both, I've tried, and I could only Summon 1 of them) and a Link 4. Good Luck! Thank you for viewing my deck!