Final Board tend to be Utopic Draco - Cicada King - Gossip Shadow with a Dark Knight Lancer Lancer if able for maximum Biggage. Alternative plans for long game include Ashura King Negates Plus Beatdown, Beatdown with Materiactor Gigoboros for Style points
Mostly Extra Deck Play Is Exagard + Big Gabonga, using all their materials with effects and Goblin Biker shenanigans before going Utopic Future to Draco, and then Cicada King + Gossip Shadow and an extra Torpedo -> Draw -> Armor Fortress -> Search -> Black Knight Lancer
In general this Deck is Rank 3 Spam with a bunch of Good Rank 3s, and some extra plans either to use stuff like Materiactor Critical if some resources are lost and you have to keep a Gigoboros or Exagard and protection.