(Update-I: Updated the deck for better performance and consistency.)
Welcome! It looks like we have another "F.A Winner". This time, it's "Arcana Force". If you would like to check previous version, you can click here! Otherwise, let the race begin!
- For starters, I strongly advise you to check these Synchro Summon lists. These will help you to pull out Dragster to win with "F.A. Winners":
1) If you open up with Monk >>> Panda, this is how you can play with...
- Assuming that you have always spells to draw, this is how: Monk + Tuner = Librarian >>> Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Level 1 Tuner >>> Ancient + Tuner = Accel >>> Accel pulls Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Shamisen >>> Shamisen + Non-Tuner = Cthugua >>> Bring Shamisen back onto the battlefield and shuffle Formula >>> Cthugua + Shamisen = Dragster >>> Accel + Tuner = Ravenous >>> Ravenous + Tuner = Baronne
- Assuming that there is a chance you might brick, this is how: Monk + (Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula) = Stardust >>> Stardust + Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
2) If you start only with Panda, this is how you can play with:
- Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
- Then, be careful not to do what I'm going to explain in bullets:
- Although an effect Pendulum monster, Risebell is also a Normal Monster. So, don't banish 3 spells to Special Summon Risebell with Panda by accident because you want Risebell to be placed on Pendulum Scale to level up Dragster.
- You can send F.A. field spells to GY with Ancient/Ravenous/Baronne. If you do that, don't banish them with Panda by mistake. Because, if you want to win with "F.A. Winners", all three field spells have to be banished by "F.A. Winners" only.
- When you are about to summon "Arcana Force", make sure "Light Barrier" is active. If you forget to have "Light Barrier" active, you will rely on RNG to set its outcome to heads to always skip your opponent's turn.
- Dragster can level up out of control in a way that you might actually kill your opponent by accident. Thus, what is the point of winning with "F.A Winners"? So, when you see its level raised to 12, don't raise it even further.
- If you want to make sure your opponent sees the moment of victory with "F.A. Winners", consider adding "Trading Places". As seen in "Side Deck", you can switch your LP with your opponent to make them feel healthy.
- Alternatively, if you bring forth Dragster while "Black Garden" is around, you can cut the ATK of Dragster by half.
- Here is the math to make sure your opponent stays alive, provided that you have played at least 1 x Upstart Goblin:
- Dragster >>> 12 x 300 = 3600 dmg. Can also deal piercing damage if Dragster attacks into Defense positioned monsters, which may matter if you go second while your opponent has Defense positioned monsters.
- Black Garden >>> Summon at least three tokens, which have 800/800 as stats in Attack position.
- Result = (3600-800) x 3 = 8400 dmg
- Let me explain some of key cards for better performance:
- Ancient/Ravenous/Baronne: If you destroy F.A. field spells with these cards, you can tutor any F.A. card which also includes "F.A. Winners". Note that Ancient can tutor any field spell as its ability, so it's wiser to tutor "Black Garden" or "Light Barrier" first and then, any F.A. card due to the ability of destroyed F.A. field spell.
- Into the Void: When you have played this card, make sure you have 2 x Knight in-hand because you want them to be sent into GY for turn-skip setup.
- Time-Tearing Morganite: When you have sent 2 x Knight to GY, they will be returned to the top of your deck. It means every time you skip your opponent's turn, you will always draw these monsters and you will not deck-out, if you use Arcana and focus on them. In addition, rather than relying on Special Summoning Arcana with Saryuja, you can also Tribute Summon Arcana thanks to Morganite as well.
- It's time to show how to win the race with Arcana:
1) Draw your deck until you reach the situation as illustrated below:
- Arcana was Special Summoned with Saryuja when "Light Barrier" was present but you can Tribute Summon Arcana as well thanks to "Time-Tear Morganite". By picking heads, you can always skip your opponent's turn. It's not one-timed effect.
- Although hard to view, there are 2 x Knight monsters in-hand, ready to be sent to GY thanks to "Into the Void".
- Plants were placed by "Black Garden". If you go first, make sure you plant at least three tokens. Otherwise, no need if your opponent has three monsters.
- Before jumping to End Phase, change "Activation Confirmation" to "Switch+Hold" and set to "ON" or "Auto" in-game. You can edit to "Switch+Hold" in "Duel" section of settings page. It's needed to let Arcana use its ability.
- Dragster has been leveled up by at least 5. You can do it in a variety of ways:
- Risebell is a generic level raiser.
- Place "F.A. Winners" and activate it.
- Place F.A. field spells and activate them, provided you didn't destroy any with Ancient/Ravenous/Baronne.
- If Ancient/Ravenous/Baronne destroys a F.A. field spell when Dragster is present, you can activate the ability of destroyed F.A. field spell to raise the level of Dragster.
- If there is either Circuit or City present as field spell, level of Dragster will be increased by 2 during Battle Phase. If possible, you can also raise its level if you activate either Circuit or City.
2) You are at End Phase. That means, we can send 2 monsters to GY to skip a turn. Have a look at these pictures below for reference:
- After you have used the ability of Arcana, you can just skip anything happening within End Phase.
- As mentioned previously, second picture explains these two Knights will return to top of your deck.
3) Arcana has skipped your opponent's turn entirely. No card draw or anything for them, they will sit through what we are going to do:
- As seen from those three pictures above, you exactly drew 2 x Knight monsters. Either Summon or Set both, doesn't matter. They will be used as resources for Arcana to ensure you will always skip your opponent's turn anyways. Just don't forget to send both Knights with Arcana to GY and you will be fine, which matters to also not deck-out and lose by mistake.
4) Now, here is the plan to win with "F.A. Winners" by using infinite turn-skip trick explained in #3:
- To win with "F.A. Winners", there are three conditions you need to check:
- F.A. monster (Dragster) must have its level raised by at least 5 >>> Gotcha!
- F.A. monster must deal (piercing) battle damage >>> Alright!
- Delivering three F.A. field spells from hand/field/GY into Banish Zone (BZ) >>> No problem!
5) Just do what was explained in #4 three times to win the duel:
- Whenever you activate "F.A. Winners" after you have killed a monster/token, Dragster will ask you if you want to raise its level but there is no need to, if you didn't cut the ATK of Dragster by half with "Black Garden". Remember, your aim is to win with "F.A. Winners", not to beat your opponent to death.
- Congratulations, you win the game! If you want to watch the deck in action, click here!
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contract Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Arcana Force XXI - The World" + "Light Barrier" can be found within "Hand of Fate" Secret Pack to save 30 SR and 30 UR!
- "Ravenous" + "Pot of Acquisitiveness" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 60 SR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "F.A. Dawn Dragster" can be found within "Tournament Athletes" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 90 SR!
- "Black Garden" can be found within "Exquisite Jet-Black Rose" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Baronne de Fleur" can be found within "The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Moray of Avarice" can be found within "Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- As of this writing, "Time-Tearing Morganite" can be found within "Record of Noble Spirits" Timed Pack to save 30 UR! Don't miss the deal before it's too late!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
So, in total, you can save up to 600 SR and 180 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun in Master Duel!