This deck is mostly for personal reference. I'm addicted to making deck lists to pass the time. Help me.
I would've labeled this deck as a fun/ casual deck, but the inclusion of Dark Dragoon makes that description null. Even so, it is not the most optimal Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon deck, as you can obviously tell from the deck list. My goal was to make a for-fun Red-Eyes Black Dragon archetype deck, sticking as closely to the archetype as possible, and using only cards that I actually owned, instead of the hypothetical deck lists posted to the site. This is why Cards of the Red Stone and Allure of Darkness are at 2x instead of 3x (I only own 2 of each), and why I don't have Upstart Goblin, Raigeki (I instead use Dark Hole as a pretend-Raigeki since it doesn't affect Dark Dragoon, and it keeps the deck in-line with the "Dark" theme), Harpie's Feather Duster, Pot of Desires, or Cosmic Cyclone. It's also why Dragoon is at 1 instead of 3, because I'm not spending 80-100$ on two more copies.
I understand a lot of these cards are unnecessary. Dark Dragoon is the win condition, but I wanted to have a fun deck that allowed for strategies outside the honestly brain-dead strategy of "draw or search for Red-Eyes Fusion, profit". That's why I have kinky-byo to let me summon Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, to further make use of my level 1 monsters, Claw of Hermos to let me summon Red-Eyes Black Sword, and why I have 3 copies of the Darkness Metal link monster that I'll never ever summon (I consider those cards my deck cheerleaders). Staying inside the boundaries of an archetype gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.