All memes, make everyone fight. Always go first.
Goal is, as soon as your opponent enters their draw phase, Ojama Lock your opponent's field (or at least Ojama Trio) w/ tokens and then activate an All-Out attack or a Battlemania during their standby phase to flip all their tokens into attack mode and have them attack your monster. Have just a single high ATK monster on your field that they'll run themselves into it for an OTK.
Skill-drain / Anti-spell fragrance helps lock out opponent from using spells or monster effects to counter this.
Even an Ojama Trio + a single 2400 ATK monster will be an instant OTK unless they can figure out how to get rid of their tokens or negate one of the trap activations.
Runs pretty consistently now. I'm thinking maybe I should swap pot of duality for Trade-in though because I do rely on special summons that first turn. It is a little risky though because I might not get a level 8 to trade-in. Maybe I can trade pot of prosperity for some more Danger! monsters + an extra allure of darkness? The ability to excavate is nice though so maybe Pot of Extravagance would be good here. Just need some protection for my trap cards when activating them to protect from a random MST.
If you can't OTK with those Ojama tokens that first turn then get ready to fight.
Side deck is just some random beatdown cards to experiment with. Think this deck could use a little more negation to protect the traps and maybe some optimization for the monsters but otherwise is o.k.
EDIT: This deck only really works when playing w/ my homies who all agreed that we wouldn't use xyz/link/synchro/pendulum in our decks lol.
EDIT2: Adding in a dimensional barrier or other tactics to prevent xyz/link/synchro/fusion could help this strat but likely wouldn't be an OTK after that.
EDIT3: Actually worked pretty well on Dueling Nexus, not everyone can link or xyz off of the tokens using their extra deck cards and for those that do you can always hit them with a solemn judgement to block it or a board wipe and even if it does locking the opponent's board throws a lot of folks off. A lot of folks are prepared to handle spell cards and hand traps and effect monsters so hitting them with trap cards + high ATK effect monsters that don't rely on their on-field effects really helps. This is still kinda at it's core an interesting variant of a skill drain deck. Adding in the kaijus actually helped the consistency a lot, especially when going second. Labryinth heavy tank was a good beater but kinda a dead draw a lot of the time. Having slightly more cards also makes the summoning cost of gizmek orochi a little less painful.