Destiny End Dragoon is actually pretty crazy for Edison if you really think about it; 3k stats, targetted removal w/ full burn afterwards, and it has a pretty annoying recursion that gives it automatically two materials to banish in order to show back up if destroyed, making it one of the more formidable boss monsters of the format. It's pretty hard for most decks to out unless they either have banishing or some sort of bouncing to use against the thing.
Basically this deck follows similar concepts about trying to get it as soon as humanly possible; this is made insanely easy by the general Edison HERO engine being really, really good for getting through everything. Even with a singular Stratos we're still using lots of stuff to search through and find the materials needed for Dragoon bar that to get the deck moving as much as needed from draw power to just adding everything with Emergency. Prisma is also handy if you don't have material available and helps to cut through the deck and reduce dead draws.
It does help that Plasma is a perfectly acceptable side-boss that can also be crippling to many monster-focused decks being played to boot. King of the Swamp does seem a bit jank given it can't actually help us play Dragoon due to the technicalities requiring his exact materials and no proxies, however it's actually one of the big power cards of the deck given it searches out the poly and can then be used to get Absolute Zero out with a Miracle Fusion, making good use of your Grave.
This build uses very little traps in the main deck; we don't really need them for a whole lot given the main package is more than enough, but there are some staples thrown in just in case. Deck Dev crushes many other monster-focused decks and can be easily played out via Dragoon or the mainline Destiny cards, making it a incredibly crippling combo.
I feel like the side deck could probably be improved, but rather than try for specific counters I focused more on a mini Gemini Hero engine given we're basically playing everything that makes that as impressive as it is already.