Hello boys and girls and welcome to yet another Dragon Link build! Dragon link is my favorite deck and I love making videos/deck/combos about it. Anyway, enough about me, KONAMI recently revealed some new cards coming out in LIOV and it included new rose dragon support! This new support makes Dragon link SO GOOD!
Before I start the explanation just know that all the combos, explanations and everything are in my youtube video, Subscribing to the channel would be a great way to support me and also notifies you every time I upload! Also make sure to answer the poll question below! Today’s question is: What Yugioh set is your favorite?
Sneak peek of what the combos CONSISTENTLY end on!
Apollusa (2 negates)
Dragoon (1 ONMI negate and OTK for next turn)
Savage (1 OMNI negate)
1 handrip
1 extra deck rip
The end board for the dragon link combo as of now (1.5 card Combo - might know this is you have seen my previous build/video, if not no worries) is VFD aka Ture King of all Calamities and apollusa with 2 materials/negates. This is great by itself but the rose dragons make dragon link even better than it already is! Now the end board (1.5 cards) is VFD, Apollusa (2 negates), an extra savage and (if you have ANY additional extender) a Dragoon as well! This is really big since it is 2 extra OMNI negates. This is fairly easy to pull off and the deck is full of extenders. For the new rose dragon cards I am using Rocss Rose dragon (is a starter, combo piece and TUNER) and Petal rose shoot (monster reborn for rose dragons and can be searched off of rocss rose). I am not running the new garden rose flower or the garden rose maiden because with the death of linkross, it is not possible to play those in dragon link, sorry! Also I decided to make this a 60 card deck to avoid drawing bricks and so that I could run dragoon. The deck is still consistent, it now has 12 starters (3 of each rocss rose, sefert, chaos space and black metal) so you should see 1 every 5 cards which is perfect if you ask me. Same goes for the extenders, you should see them also very often. For bricks you have - dragondark (Omg you never want to draw this), Driver, Red-eyes Black Dragon, Red-eyes Fusion and Dark Magician. The soft bricks include Boot sector launch and Dragonhawk since you are going to search them anyway and drawing into them simply means you need to use it from the hand. Red rose is not a brick, I made a separate combo for it in my video (you don’t summon it from the hand off of halq) and it proves red-rose isn’t a brick. Dragonroar is not a brick in most cases since you can use sefert/white dragon/black dragon/chaos space to combo with it and you can banish tempest instead with Trish (tempest search draco). Tempest can be milled off of ravine if you draw absorouter or tracer. Also some cards in this build you may think are bricks are actually not, like White rose (can special itself if you have tracer, red rose or rocss rose and can be special summoned off of red rose if you already have the rocss rose on the field), Tempest (can simply discard it and it can come back from the grave), Crusadia Draco (can special itself from hand), Petal rose shoot (can summon a rose dragon from the grave - halq always summons a rose dragon so it will not brick since a rose will always be in the grave).
Other notes: I am also running the versatile handtraps for countering the current format (Jan 2021), if you are viewing this sometime later where it is a different format you can change up the handtrap lineup. I also use 2 petal rose shoots, not one since Rocss rose is not only a starter but also a very key combo piece! You need the 2 petal rose shoots to secure that you have at least 1 of it in deck.
Again, all the combos, explanations and everything are in my youtube video, Subscribing to the channel would be a great way to support me and also notifies you every time I upload! Also make sure to answer the poll question down below!
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