Ah, Sacred Beasts. The poor man's Egyptian Gods that somehow work better as a deck with all three namesake gods than the original. Perfect for budget decks where I have to have the whole thing under a certain price.
I love this archetype.
Some cards deserve a little context:
1. Terrors of Overroot is a fairly productive disruption card that also cheap. While it does target, the effect itself actually dodges Destruction protection by... well, not destroying. Just gently suggesting that a card should take a nap in the graveyard. Then graverobbing a corpse already in said graveyard and plopping on the opponents field. You'll wanna pick something they can't use immediately, like a once-per-turn effect they've already used.
2. Red Blossoms from Underroot is mostly there to enable silly shit with Trilojig or the Pitknight sisters(?). If things go well, both of the Pitknights are basically immortal.
3. Dark Hole Dragon is a surprisongly cheap card I added mostly because I added the surprisingly cheap Dark Holes. I'm sure I don't need to explain the synergy between the two cards?;
4. Ghost Belle is here because... look I won't hold you, it's situational, but I like it best out of all the ghost girl cards (except for Red Blossom), and it's gotten me out of said situational situations without being as smugly annoying as Ash Blossom... or nearly as expensive.
Now, the play idea is fairly simple - go first, hope you've got at least Dark Beckoning Beast, combo cards as best you can until you've got at least one of the Sacred Beasts, Fallen Paradise, and Awakeningof the Sacred Beasts on field. Additional traps or disruptions are recommended.
Going second follows the same plan, but you'll wanna hope you have some field clearers like Heavy Storm and Dark Hole first. Or that your opponent bricked. Best if you go first, really.
For the most part, your goal will be one of three win cons:
1. The Ol' Reliable: Just beat the other person down with raw damage while constricting them with Awakening and two Sacred Beasts on Field;
2. The Armityle Nuclear Disaster: Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury is a very funny card: for the low price of banishing a single copy of all the beasts from hand, field, or grave (very doable since they don't need to all be in the same place), you get to send him as a nuke to the opponent. Then once he's left a nice big smoking crater, you get to summon his actual body - Armityle The Chaos Phantasm. Who just so happens to be indestructible by battle, and on your turn gains 10K attack. That's right, you heard me. 10K. You can guess what you do after that;
3. The Red Blossom Shenanigans: This one is best used in case your opponent is running a Synchro or Xyz deck and sent you to play second, since that lets you be in control more. You can either set up the Pitknight sisters and their near-immortality, or go for the fusions - Trilojig for a good ol' beatdown, or Phantom of Fury to reenact Oppenheimer in IMAX.
And there you have it! Budget with quality!