Dragon Master Magia's absurd summoning materials mean that this Dragoon wannabe can only be properly summoned through Dogmatika as they mill Extra Deck monsters to the GY and search for ritual monsters. It may be a bit difficult and gimmicky to bring this guy out, but the payoff is incredible, with Dragon Master Magia's TRIPLE negate/destroy, and it floats into Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon for free! While not the most competitively viable option, it certainly is cool!
Otherwise, this deck functions as a regular Dogmatika deck. If you want a thorough guide to play Dogmatika, check out my article from last year.
Here is the combo to bring out Dragon Master Magia through Dogmatika:
Nadir Servant + Iblee + Ultimate Fusion = Mill most of your opponent's Extra Deck (2-4 left in opponent's Extra), Alba Zoa (4K beatstick and towers), Magia Master (monster negate, spell negate, trap negate), Fleurdelis (monster negate handtrap), Secure Gardna (battle dmg protection) and +1-3 card draws.
- Normal summon Iblee.
- Link summon Almiraj using Iblee. Iblee's trigger effect will summon her to your opponent's side of the field (turning on the "Iblee Lock").
- Link away Almiraj to summon Secure Gardna.
- Activate Nadir Servant sending Garura to the GY searching Ecclesia from deck. Garura draws you 1 card.
- Special summon Ecclesia. Ecclesia searches for Dogmatikamatrix. (If you already have Matrix, search Dogmatika Punishment instead).
- Activate Dogmatikamatrix, searching first for Alba Zoa, then Maximus.
- Special summon Maximus by banishing Almiraj from the GY.
- Activate Maximus' effect, sending Herald of the Arc Light and Titaniklad (while also milling two of your opponent's Extra Deck).
- Herald of the Arc Light searches for Dogmatikalamity.
- Activate Dogmatikalamity to ritual summon Alba Zoa by sending to GY Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon from the Extra Deck.
- Activate Alba Zoa to mill/handrip your opponent's hand/Extra Deck.
- Activate Dogmatikamatrix to send another Herald of the Arc Light to the GY.
- Herald of the Arc Light searches for Illusion of Chaos from the Deck.
- Activate Illusion of Chao's effect to search for Magician's Souls and place it on top of the deck.
- Activate Magician's Souls effect to send from Deck to GY Illusion of Chaos and summon itself from hand. Bonus: Send to GY 1-2 spells with Magician Souls and draw cards.
- Set on your field any spell of traps, including Ultimate Fusion.
- At the End Phase, activate Titaniklad's effect to add to hand Fleurdelis.
- During your opponent's Main Phase, activate Ultimate Fusion shuffling back Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon + Illusion of Chaos to fusion summon Dragon Magia Master.
GLHF Duelists!