1) get 2 lvl 3s on board
2) overlay invoker & summon suprex
3) link into isolde. Isolde add guts, suprex add headbat
4) isolde dump 4 equips (2 have to be broken & cursed bamboo to add bamboo to hand) for armageddon
5) armageddon dump blackwing
6) attatch broken to someone & bounce it to SS Blackwing
7) make dugares. Dugares eff reborn armageddon
8) armageddon dumb summoner
9)link into akashic using isold and armageddon
8) link into selene with akashic and dugares
9) selene summon summoner
10) summoner discard bamboo for ferret
11)make apoll using selene and summoner
12) ferret eff for brotaur, twist cobra, and plaguespreader
13) summon headbat pitching guts
14) summon cupid using headbat and plague (decrease level) also grab rematch off of headbat eff in gy
15) make gardenrose using twist and cupid. grab link slayer and suprex off of twist
16) link brotaur off into pisty & bring it back using pisty eff
17) discard a random card to add 10000
18) link bro and pisty into romulus, rom grab ravine, ravine dump destrudo, destrudo & gardenrose into afd
19) AFD pop ravine grab therion field spell. Afd also summon suprex
20) activate therion field to add borea
21) summon borea usin gardenrose as equip
22) tibute afd & borea for 10000 (on the leftmost spot)
23) rematch for suprex and headbat
24) make spright with headbat and romulous
25) link bujin using both suprexes
26) bujin ss linkslayer and gardenrose to summon machu mech
27) gigantic eff summon iblee
28) link iblee and apoll into transverser
29) summon iblee into middle opp zone
30) transverser eff to swap 10000 and iblee
31) machumech eff for game
Notes: if you open arma *scoop*
If you open more than 2 equip spells *scoop*
Obvi, if you dont have a starter *scoop*
Never search for twist except with ferrett
Some people (namely @mikebotgaming and @syluxmaster) have been labbing out and finding success with removing spright,iblee,ravine, & destrudo since you already have plague in grave and technically garden rose searches black garden. This grants a bit more consistency and skips a few steps in the middle Only downside is that you're more susseptible to nibiru. But as a wise deskbot enthusiast once said, "better have it"
With this version you can cut: 2 iblee, 1 suprex, destrudo, maxx, called by, small world (the upstarts (i will never understant small world so i put upstart instead)), and ravine
add: black garden and a crapton of lvl 3 engines (some cheap options are: junk forward(R), gilasaurus (SR), psychic tracker(R)/wheeleder(SR), literally any burning abyss monster (though if you get ashed or impermed on tour guide ya cant use em))
with these modifications the deck is more consistent.
Modified Steps
3) add octo off of isolde instead of guts (if you have octo in hand, dont use the isole search.)
15) same as above step (just remember to grab black garden do not activate it yet)
18) SS plague eff spinning anything non-important
18.5) activate black garden. AFD summon suprex. put garden token inmiddle column
19) Pop black garden (cause obviously you cant summon suprex here cause you summoned him in 18.5)