2024-03-18 17:56:59
+ 3Dinomist Brachion+ 3Dinomist Stegosaur+ 3Dinomist Spinos+ 1Tornado Dragon+ 1Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord+ 1Cyber Dragon Infinity+ 3Draco Face-Off+ 2Beyond the Pendulum+ 2Qliphort Genius+ 1Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer+ 3Dinomight Powerload, the Dracoslayer+ 1Dinomist Ankylos+ 3Dinomist Ceratops+ 3Dinomist Plesios+ 1Dinomic Powerload+ 1Shark Fortress+ 1Cyber Dragon Nova+ 3Dinomists Howling+ 3Dinomist Rex+ 3Dinomist Pteran+ 1Mistar Boy+ 1Astrograph Sorcerer+ 3Dinomist Charge+ 1Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer+ 2Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer+ 1Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir+ 3Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer+ 1Exceed the Pendulum
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