This deck focuses on draw power and getting out either Rexterm or Plasma. Maybe both? The idea is to lock your opponent out of game by playing Rexterm or Plasma. At first, this doesn't seem like it works, but this deck is fun. So you have three lock out options, two you can use at the same time.
First one is Destiny Hero Dark Angel. You Fusion Destiny into Destiny Hero Dominence and place in defense mode. Three destiny heroes in GY are needed to activate Dark Angel and palce on opponents side of the field. Your three targets are Dreadmaster, Draw Hand, and Disk Commander. What you do is activate Dominence effect to look at the top five cards and stack them how you want. When Dominence is destroyed at the end phase of the next turn, Special Summon Dreadmaster, Disc Commander, and Draw Hand. Disc Commander and Draw Hand lets you draw 3 cards off their effect.
Second is Rexterm, Draw Therizia and search Frenzy. Set the card in your S/T zone, and fusion summon on your opponents turn. First into Kentrigina and then Rexterm. Rexterm prevents your opponent from activating monster effects if they are equal or more to your life points. Rexterm's quick effect is to half the life points and make opponents monsters equal your life points.
The Third is Plasma Plus D-Force, You get three monsters on the field, play D-Force to search Plasma and then play Plasma. Plasma is both Skill Drain and Relinquished at the same time. Easy way to get the three monsters on the field is play Fusion Destiny and summon any destiny hero monster from the extra deck but make sure your targets are Malicious and Denier. They can summon themselves from the GY. They're an easy summon, and can turbo out Plasma easy. Plasma + Rexterm just says nope to all effects and D-Force gives Plasma staying power. They're pretty formidable together and they annoy friends pretty easy too.
I wanted to post something different and see where this goes. If you build the deck, I promise you'll have fun with it. Happy Dueling.