2025-02-18 20:11:58
+ 1Knightmare Phoenix+ 1Topologic Bomber Dragon+ 2Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains+ 2Vernusylph of the Flourishing Hills+ 2Infinite Impermanence+ 2Deskbot 005+ 2Deskbot Base+ 1Raigeki+ 1Barricadeborg Blocker+ 1Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 2Deskbot 004+ 1Limiter Removal+ 2Deskbot 008+ 2Deskbot 009+ 1Machine Assembly Line+ 1Naturia Beast+ 2Vernusylph of the Awakening Forests+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 2Solemn Strike+ 1Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians+ 1Formula Synchron+ 2Deskbot 006+ 3Deskbot 002+ 1Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit+ 3Machine Duplication+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 1Shooting Riser Dragon+ 1Knightmare Cerberus+ 3Deskbot 003+ 1Herald of the Arc Light+ 2Vernusylph of the Misting Seedlings+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 1Deskbot Jet+ 2Deskbot 001+ 1Shooting Star Bow - Ceal+ 2Deskbot 007+ 1Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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