This is a deck I recently threw together in Yugioh World Championships 2010: Reverse of Arcadia. The core concept is simply to harass the opponent with big monsters by spamming Red-Eyes. The deck is still a bit of a work in progress, and as the Side Deck is barely used in the game, I haven't put much thought into it yet.
The deck includes many ways to get Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Red-Eyes Wyvern into the GY such as a variety of Discard effects ( Lightning Vortex, Graceful Charity, Divine Wrath), Future Fusion for FGD or Foolish Burial (these also help to get Special Summon targets for Darkness Metal into play), as well as plenty of easily summonable Dragons to get Darkness Metal out. The abundance of Dark-Attribute Dragons as well as very easy GY control makes Dark Armed Dragon fit really nicely as well.
Once out, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon can be used to steadily generate card advantage by summoning monsters from the GY, enable Dark Armed Dragon's summon if shut down by opponent interferance, or to set up for Synchro Summoning into the toolbox-y synchros for a variety of situations. Typically, I'll summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier for spot removal and then Special Summon Flamvell Guard to Synchro again into Trident Dragion to attack for game. But in the context of actual gameplay, due to the bad AI, I tend to win the game long before I ever need these kinds of cool finishers. Since it's so easy to get Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon out here, I generally don't have to worry about running into cards like Mirror Force or Honest but things potentially can get a little uncomfortable around cards like Chaos Sorcerer
I'm running one Super Rejuvenation because the potential of drawing a lot of cards off of it is nice, but I don't find myself discarding from the hand enough to justify running it as a major focus of the deck. Ideally, I'd pair it in a turn that I just used Graceful Charity and maybe a Lightning Vortex, too, but most of the time I'll just use it to replace a discarded card or two. If I include more, I feel like they'll be dead draws. Theoretically, I could swap Graceful Charity with Card Destruction to get crazy draws from Super Rejuvination, but I feel like Graceful Charity is the more consistently helpful option.
Some things to note: In this format, Graceful Charity is forbidden, but you're allowed to use one Forbidden card upon collecting 90% of all cards in the game.
Future Fusion is pre-errata, so it's basically an instant free five Foolish Burials at once as long as the opponent doesn't have Mystical Space Typhoon to jam it the turn it's played. Five-Headed Dragon is a nice occasional bonus, but not at all an important part of the plan. It's generally better if the threat of it pressures the opponent into wasting spot removal on Future Fusion. The main boon of this strategy, though, is getting five dragons to the grave. This is extremely versatile depending on when I draw this card. I can use it to either get 3 Dark monsters in my grave for Dark Armed Dragon, Red-Eyes Wyvern and/or Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, add any cards I might need Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to summon such as Flamvell Guard or Exploder Dragon, or just thin my deck by throwing a bunch of no-longer necessary cards into the GY so that I can get to still-needed cards more easily.
I feel this deck could use some fine tuning to be more consistent, I sometimes find myself getting bad starts where I seem to only draw the protection cards or Dragons I can't summon yet. Most cards I think to add feel likely to disrupt the pace of the deck.