Dark Machines (v. 2)
Deck Primer
Desperado Barrel Dragon can be summoned with heavy metal raiders, with it's own effect, and with Escape from the Dark Dimension if it gets banished first by Allure of Darkness. The Shoot-Effect can destroy 0-3 monsters and works best in the opponent battle phase, if you special summon it you can still try to shoot. When it gets destroyed or discarded you get Blowback Dragon from the deck to the hand.
Gizmek Orochi, The Serpentron Sky Slasher – strong 'dark machine'-monster that can be special summoned to get fast link-4 or link-5 monsters. The second way of using it is to summon Desperado Barrel Dragon when it gets destroyed. You can summon it in either turn from the graveyard, then you have to banish 8 cards, but it also has a good impact. If you summoned it and it is on the field you can use the destroy-effect in your next turn, if you want to use the destroy effect it's best to summon it in the opponent's endphase, because you cannot activate both of it's effect in one turn. It's also good as a 'free-discard' for Quadborrel Dragon, Super Polymerization or Knightmare Phoenix since you use the special summon effect anyway, and it works from the hand and from the graveyard.
Noctovision Dragon - you can special summon it by special summoning a generic dark dragon, so you only need a rokket-monster, if you only have one you can link-summon Striker Dragon (link-1) to special summon it, then you can draw a card when you link summon it. You can build Dillingerous Dragon with it since it is also a dark dragon, if it is in the graveyard it can maybe protect a face-down card, then it gets banished and you can maybe bring it back with Escape From The Dark Dimension.
Jinzo – Jinzo can also be summoned with Escape from the dark dimension even when it is a trap, because the trap does not get destroyed by Jinzo's effect and the negation happens after the summon. It can maybe get special summoned with Heavy Metal Raiders from the Hand if a dark machine destroys a monster by battle or card effect. Most decks only use monster-effects as negates, but traps are still very important as a backup so it's often good to summon Jinzo if you have a normal summon left. You can also discard it with Quadborrel Dragon, Super Polymerization or Knightmare Phoenix and special summon it later from the graveyard.
Blowback Dragon – you have a chance to shoot a card with it with. It has a low chance but since you can target all cards it's still good, it's good to have at least one in the deck, because Desperado Barrel Dragon can get a toss-coin-monster to the hand.
Unknown Synchron – a tuner, a special summon and a dark machine for heavy metal raiders.
Absorouter Dragon – a special summon that works with rokket monsters, you get another rokket monster to the hand with its effect. The efffect triggers when it gets destroyed but also when you use it as link material or for a fusion summon.
Rokket Tracer – it can special summon other rokket monsters that you can use for link summons then. When you play a spell-card like Allure of Darkness or Quick Launch you can chain the quick effect to it, then the spell-card still triggers and you don't have to destroy any cards. When you already have a link 2, or link 1 monster in the Graveyard, the best choice is normally to get Rokket Recharger to synchro summon Borreload Savage Dragon.
Rokket Recharger – it's good as a level 4–rokket card to synchro summon Borreload Savage Dragon. If a dark link/fusion/synchro-monster gets destroyed, and you have it on the hand or on the field, then you can discard it to special summon itself or another monster from the graveyard, but not the monster that got destroyed. It can also not get targeted when you have a dark link/fusion/synchro-monster.
Anesthrokket Dragon – when it gets destroyed you can special summon a Rokket-monster from the deck, but you have to wait for the end-phase (yours or the one of your opponent). It also has a trigger effect when it gets targeted by a link monster, then you can destroy it to negate an opponents monsters effect, and to make it unable to attack. It can can not get triggered by Predaplant Verte Anaconda because it is already a dark monster, so It can only effectively be used with Borreload Dragon as a quick effect, it does also not get triggered by Linkuriboh's effect from the Graveyard.
Allure of Darkness, Supply Squad, Link Burst, Squib Draw - draw-cards, with allure of darkness you can summon monsters with Escape from the Dark Dimension later.
Heavy Metal Raiders – dark machines can not get destroyed by battle one time, so you can also attack monsters with higher atk to get the same atk as them, but you have to pay the difference in life points. When a dark machine gets destroyed you can special suimmon a dark machine from the hand. If you have no dark machine you can link-summon Barricadeborg Blocker.
Boot Sector Launch - You get this field spell early by link-summoning Striker Dragon (link-1) with one Rokket-monster, so you can change it later to Heavy Metal Raiders or destroy it with Rokket Tracer for one more monster on the field. When you have 2 Rokket-monsters in the hand, you can use one to summon Striker Dragon, get Boot Sector Launch, destroy Striker Dragon to get the rokket monster to the hand and then special summon both Rokket-monsters with the effect of Boot Sector Launch. then you have 2 rokket-monsters, this means you have to get one more monster with Rokket Tracer's effect or other special summons to summon Borreload Savage Dragon. If you only have 2 Rokket monsters, you can build Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres, but it can only be summoned when you didn't use Rokket Tracer's effect, because it's a light monster. As an alternative you can also build Predaplant Verte Anaconda and use one of the opponent's monsters to summon Predaplant Chimerafflesia. Boot Sector Launch's second effect can special summon rokket monsters from the graveyard if the opponent has more monsters and didn't clear this field spell.
Quick Launch, Scapegoat, Instant Fusion, Monster Reborn – Special summon cards, with Instant Fusion you can 'eat' one monster with Thousand-Eyes Restrict and you can build a link-monster with it. with Quick Launch you can build Borreload Dragon, Borreload Savage Dragon and Borrelend Dragon. If you have Rokket Tracer on the field you can choose Quick Launch as destroy-target to have 3 rokket-monsters then. With 3 rokket monsters you can build a link-4-monster and you can decide between Borreload Savage Dragon or Borreload Dragon, Borreload Savage Dragon ist the best card because it can negate, but Borreload Dragon can 'eat' monsters by 'atk'-ing them, with one more monster you could also build Borrelend Dragon and then build the other 'boss-monsters' later since you get one rokket-monster everytime you use it's effect.
Escape From the Dark Dimension, Call Of The Haunted– These cards give you more monsters on the field, Escape from the Dark dimension works with Allure of Darkness. If you used Dillingerous Dragon to get a link-4 monster or Borreload Savage Dragon out of 4 Rokket-monsters, it also will get banished when it leaves the field. This way you can summon a link-2 monster with Escape From The Dark Dimension very fast without Allure Of Darkness. Another possible targets for Escape From The Dark Dimension are maybe Noctovision Dragon if it's GY-effect is used that protects a face-down card, and Borreload Furious Dragon if you use its special summon effect.
Dark Illusion, Fiendish Chain, – good negate cards, Dark Illusion works for Spells/Traps and monster effects, and fiendish chain also stops the monster from attacking. Fiendish Chain can also be used as a target for Rokket Tracer, but if it gets destroyed the opponent monsters effect is also not negated anymore, it's still worth it as a target. It can also trigger Chain Whirlwind when you destroy that monster in battle, because then it gets destroyed by a card effect. It is also a bit more a hard negate than Lost Wind is because it also effects normal summoned monsters. A second way of using it is stopping the opponent monster from attacking when you have Dillingerous Dragon, or if you summon it as a trap in the end-phase, then its effect can destroy a monster that didn't attack.
Chain Whirlwind – good backup card, Chain whirlwind can get triggered by all destroy-effects, if you have a quick-effect-destroy-effect, you can destroy 2 spells/traps as a quick effect in the opponent's turn. Since you destroy a monster every turn it is better than Heavy Storm Duster.
Necro Fusion - it can summon Borreload Furious Dragon out of 2 generic dark dragons from the graveyard. In the deck are 7 rokket-monsters and 2 dark dragons, in the extra-deck are 8 dark dragons, but only Striker Dragon is link-1 and easy to summon very fast, when you summoned Striker Dragon with one roket-monster you can use Necro Fusion with both in the graveyard.
Extra Deck:
Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Predaplant Chimerafflesia – dark Fusion Targets, if you use Predaplant Chimerafflesia for a link-summon you get Instant Fusion to the hand if it is in the deck.
Borreload Furious Dragon - 'Necro Fusion'-target for a fast 'boss-monster' that also has a special summon effect to revive Borreload Dragon and Borrelend Dragon.
Linkuriboh - it's used for Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Scapegoat and Link Burst
Striker Dragon - It's the best first link-monster because you can get one more monster on the field with it very fast, and you can draw one more card from the deck. When you have for example Rokket Tracer but nothing else, you can summon Striker Dragon with it, destroy it with it's effect, and then summon Rokket Tracer again from the hand, after you got it from the graveyard, with the effect of Boot Sector Launch, then you can destroy Boot Sector Launch to get Rokket Recharger, this way you have to destroy the field spell but you get a Borreload Savage Dragon with only one Rokket Tracer, it can only negate one card then, but it's a 'once per turn'-effect anyway so it's still a good 'boss-monster'.
Predaplant Verte Anaconda, Barricadeborg Blocker, Knightmare Phoenix – Predaplant Verte Anaconda can be used for fast fusion-summons to 'eat' monsters, Barricadeborg Blocker is a dark machine that also protects Heavy Metal Raiders and could bring it back from the graveyard if needed and Knightmare Phoenix is good to shoot spell/srap-sards and to draw cards.
Hieratic Seal Of The Heavenly Spheres - it's a backup link-monster if you only have 2 rokket-monsters and no 'special summon'-card in the hand. Then it is better than summoning Predaplant Verte Anaconda, because you can counter one of the opponent monsters in the opponent's turn and also get a rokket-monster from the deck. You can get Rokket Tracer and destroy it with the quick effect to get Anesthrokket Dragon, or you can get Anesthrokket Dragon directly because when it gets destroyed you can special summon a rokket-monster in the end phase of the opponent's turn. You can only summon Hieratic Seal Of The Heavenly Spheres if you did not use Rokket Tracer's effect because it is a light monster. As an alternative you can also get Absorouter Dragon, then you get a Rokket-monster to the hand instead of special summoning one when it gets destroyed.
Dillingerous Dragon, Quadborrel Dragon – These Link-monsters work only with the Rokket-monsters, but you can also use Noctovision dragon or Absorouter Dragon as dark dragons. To combo them you need 3 Rocket-monsters. Then you can link 2 of them to Dillingerous Dragon, and link Dillingerous Dragon with the last monster which has to be a Rokket-monster to Quadborrel Dragon. Then you can discard one card and shoot Quadborrel Dragon to summon 2 rokket monsters and Dillingerous Dragon, to summon Borreload Savage Dragon with Dillingerous Dragon on the field or to sumnmon Borreload Dragon directly as a link 4 monster that can 'eat' monsters by 'atk'-ing them. Borreload Savage Dragon is the best option because it negates an opponent's card and also has 3500 atk then like Borrelend Dragon when it has Quadborrel Dragon equipped (1000 atk/2 = '+500' atk). Dillingerous Dragon's second effect destroys a monster in the opponent's end phase that didn't attack, this stops the opponent from only summoning a link-monster or another effect-monster with lower than 1600 atk in attack position. This is more powerful if you summon Dillingerous Dragon in the End-phase with Escape From The Dark Dimension or Call Of The Haunted. When it gets destroyed after you used the 'graveyard-summon'-effec' it gets banished, this way you can use Escape From The Dark Dimension directly if you have it.
Link-4, Link-5:
Borreload Dragon, Borrelend Dragon – Good Link-4 and Link-5 cards, With Borrelend Dragon you can summon one Rokket Monster every turn and also negate monsters until the end of the round. So Borrelend Dragon is much better than Borreload Dragon and it can also attack all monsters, Borreload Dragon is good to eat monsters with it's effect but it has no destroy-immunity or 'negate'-effect.
Borreload Savage Dragon – If you have a link-2 monster in the graveyard it is a good negate, that can also be sumoned very fast with the effect of Rokket Tracer. You can summon it in the first or second turn with the Rokket-monster combo's that summon more Rokket-monster's with their effects. You need Rokket Tracer and and Rokket Recharger and a link-2 monster in the graveyard, you can also use Unknown Synchron as a level-1-monster with Noctovision Dragon or Absorouter Dragon as level-7-monsters. Borreload Savage Dragon is always the best opening monster, except you can directly build Borrelend Dragon and summon it later. When it gets destroyed it is easy to summon another Borreload Savage Dragon because you only need one Rokket Tracer and use it's effect to get Rokket Recharger, so it's best to have two Borreload Savage Dragon's in the extra-deck.
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