Side Deck

2024-04-11 05:55:49
+ 1Awakening of the Possessed - Rasenryu+ 1Hiita the Fire Charmer+ 2Knightmare Phoenix+ 1Familiar-Possessed - Hiita+ 1Magical Exemplar+ 1Spiritual Water Art - Aoi+ 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy+ 1Cosmic Cyclone+ 1Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous+ 1Raigeki+ 1Spellbook Magician of Prophecy+ 1Supply Squad+ 1Spellbook of Knowledge+ 1Unpossessed+ 1Sangan+ 1Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju+ 1Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant+ 1Performage Hat Tricker+ 1Familiar-Possessed - Wynn+ 1Familiar-Possessed - Aussa+ 1The Grand Spellbook Tower+ 1Book of Eclipse+ 1Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju+ 1Wynn the Wind Charmer+ 1Aussa the Earth Charmer+ 1Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 1Familiar-Possessed - Lyna+ 1Jigabyte+ 1Fairy Tail - Sleeper+ 1Prohibition+ 1Ranryu+ 1Snatch Steal+ 1Drowning Mirror Force+ 1Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze+ 1Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Time Thief Redoer+ 1Fairy Tail - Snow+ 1Spellbook of the Master+ 1Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness+ 1Spellbook of Eternity+ 1Awakening of the Possessed+ 1Inari Fire+ 1Possessed Partnerships+ 1Awakening of the Possessed - Nefariouser Archfiend+ 1Performage Trick Clown+ 1Secret Village of the Spellcasters+ 1Fire Hand+ 1Performage Damage Juggler+ 1Familiar-Possessed - Eria+ 1Premature Burial+ 1Witchcrafter Golem Aruru+ 1Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle+ 1Eria the Water Charmer+ 1Awakening of the Possessed - Gagigobyte+ 1Knightmare Cerberus+ 1Witch of the Black Forest+ 1Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi+ 1Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer+ 1Skill Drain+ 1Solemn Warning+ 1Last Will+ 1Fairy Tail - Luna+ 1Spellbook of Secrets+ 1Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir+ 1Spirit Charmers+ 1Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire+ 1Ice Hand+ 1Effect Veiler+ 1Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable+ 1Spellbook of Fate

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