NOTE: The Linked video is an old build, but should give you an idea how this deck fairs on ladder. This is the newest list I've been running since I posted it to youtube and on this site. So I wanted to update it and make it reflective of a better, more competitive list.
Unlike the previous build we are back to 3 Maxx C, 3 Thunderdragon Dark, and are now on 3 Saronir. This is because we've cut the Bystial Lubellion down to 1. Speaking of cuts.
We cut Lightning Storm & Duster from the previous builds. As well as cutting called by. This part of the non-engine hurt us a bit as sometimes it just sat in our hand with nothing to do and I wanted to focus more on something like, "Allure, banish dark, cycle the hand, and get a search." Cutting this also allowed us to squeeze in 2 imperms and get down to 40. If you don't care about 41 cards toss in a 3rd imperm or 2nd Lubellion.
We've also refined the extra deck more. Gone are Zeroboros, BLS, and Curious. In their place are Willow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons, Some Summer Summoner, and Underworld Goddess. This gives the deck a bit of a better rank 6 tool box to use with the Bystials. Summer Summoner can be used better with the TDs, and Underworld Goddess can be used to out some shenangians.
Basic combo:
Going first you wanna just set up Colossus & some other disruption. Wether that is Bystials in your hand, imperm, or Bystial Lubellion + Branded Beast is dictated by your hand.
Going Second:
Pray your draw a load of Bystials or Shifter. I've been, recently, playing it mainly going second to good success.