You can get this budget deck by purchasing 3 Shaddoll structure decks. You can buy the Hero and Superpoly targets online for little money. The only expensive card in this deck is Borrelsword Dragon but it's not necessary and I simply had it lying around.
The Hero cards help with the consistency of the deck. You want to normal summon Vyon, then send Shadow Mist to the graveyard and add Honest Neos for a light monster or another Vyon for a dark monster to your hand. Then you can use the effect of Vyon to get a Polymerization.
Mask Change II is my lucky one-off to summon Masked HERO dark law. This card won me quite some matches already.
For combos you need to take advantage of the different Shaddoll graveyard effects. Typically you want to end up with Winda on the field to disturb the other player.
This deck is fun to play and considering the cheap price it's pretty strong. Additionally you can easily improve the deck by integrating some more expensive cards.