2025-03-05 10:37:55
+ 2Dinomist Brachion+ 2Dinomist Stegosaur+ 2Dinomist Spinos+ 1Raigeki+ 2Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 2Abyss Dweller+ 2Dinomight Powerload, the Dracoslayer+ 2Dinomist Ankylos+ 2Dinomist Ceratops+ 1Pendulum Paradox+ 2Dinomist Plesios+ 1Solemn Strike+ 3Dinomic Powerload+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 3Dinomist Rush+ 2Shark Fortress+ 1Dark Ruler No More+ 3Dinomists Howling+ 2Dinomist Rex+ 2Dinomist Pteran+ 2Mistar Boy+ 3Dinomist Charge+ 1Pendulum Reborn+ 2Rampaging Smashtank Rhynosaber+ 1Solemn Warning
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