This deck is a superconsistent and really competitive version of the powerfull Blue-Eyes Chaos Max strategy with the very boss monster, the Blue-Eyes Chaos Max dragon and his little brother the Blue-Eyes Chaos dragon that together look for really quick OTKs with different win conditions gathered in the definite Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX deck profile.
The main idea of the deck is summoning as quick as possible a Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX dragon and a Blue-Eyes Chaos dragon to attack and make OTKs without worrying about possible rival responses due to the inherent protection of these monsters which makes them something really hard to deal with and with almost no response in the meta strategies as the high attack and their extremely powerfull defense (obvously due to their effect, not the defense stat which is 0 in both ritual monsters) forces your rival to go for very specific plays to remove them from the field: They cannot be destroyed by card effects... and they cannot be targeted!!!
Even though it is difficult to go through their defense, it is possible that your rival manages to get a response to the presence of these monsters on the field... However, this deck profile presents 5 cards (2 x solemn strike and 3 x The Ultimate creature of destruction). The Ultimate Creature of destruction makes a Blue-Eyes monster you control totally immune to any card effect and destruction by battle and the Solemn Strike can be used to avoid special summons that might cause you problems or monster effects that might become an incovenient such as the Borreload Dragon effect or the Topologic Zeroboros.
Last but not least, this deck profile is not limited to the main deck monsters and effects, the 3 copies of Number 97: Draglubion give you acces to all the other Number dragon monsters in the extra deck with amazing effects and strategies to look for the OTK in case that the main strategy of the deck doesn't work.