2025-01-22 02:09:51
+ 1Uraby+ 3Fiend Reflection #2+ 1Hane-Hane+ 1Armed Ninja+ 3Skull Red Bird+ 1Raigeki+ 2Giant Soldier of Stone+ 1Mystical Elf+ 1Green Phantom King+ 1Steel Ogre Grotto #1+ 2Beaver Warrior+ 2Reaper of the Cards+ 3Witty Phantom+ 3Turtle Tiger+ 1Mountain+ 1Pot of Greed+ 3Fissure+ 3Fireyarou+ 1Swords of Revealing Light+ 1Tyhone+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Aqua Madoor+ 1Blue-Eyes White Dragon+ 2Follow Wind
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