2024-03-04 19:17:14
+ 1Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon+ 1One for One+ 1Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon+ 1Majesty with Eyes of Blue+ 2Sage with Eyes of Blue+ 1Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon+ 1Dragon Magia Master+ 1Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon+ 1Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon+ 2Chaos Form+ 1Destined Rivals+ 1Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon+ 1Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres+ 1Rage with Eyes of Blue+ 1Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon+ 1Vision with Eyes of Blue+ 2Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon+ 1Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon+ 3Dragon Shrine+ 1Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon+ 1Dragon Spirit of White+ 2Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon+ 1Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon+ 1The Ultimate Creature of Destruction+ 1Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon+ 1True Light+ 1Dragon Master Knight+ 1Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy+ 1Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon+ 3Dictator of D.+ 1The White Stone of Ancients+ 3Ultimate Fusion+ 1Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel+ 1The White Stone of Legend+ 1Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon+ 1Maiden with Eyes of Blue+ 3Blue-Eyes White Dragon+ 3Bingo Machine, Go!!!+ 1Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands+ 1Strength in Unity
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