New Blackwing deck that can end on a strong board with a variety of hands.
Combo 1-Strongest
RequiresBlackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind, any Level 4 special summon, and any special summon. I’m using Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn and Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind.
Endson Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon, Time Thief Redoer with trap attached, Phantom Knights ofRusty Bardiche, Borreload Savage Dragon, and a Phantom Knight’s Fogblade.
Use Simoon effect in hand and banish Kris. Summon Simoon to search and activate Black Whirlwind. Use Whirl effect to searchBlackwing – Auster the South Wind. Normal summon it to summon banished Kris. Use whirl effect to searchBlackwing - Harmattan the Dust and special summon it. Use Simoon and Dust to make Raidraptor - Wise Strix. Activate its effect to summon Blackwing - Zephyrosthe Elite from the deck. Use Kris and Zephyros to make Force Strixand use its effect to get any monster other than Auster. I’ll use Blackwing - Bora the spear. Summon it triggering Wise, letting you searchRank-Up-Magic Soul ShaveForce. Use Force and Wise to make Bardiche and active its effect to send The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak to GY to set Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine from the deck. Banish Cloak to searchPhantom Knights of Silent Boots. Special summon Boots and Brigandine, then use Zephyros effect in gy to send Whirl back to the and to summon itself.Now summon Gale. Use the Brigandine and Zephyrosto makeRedoes also summon the other Blackwing that was in your hand. Use Auster and Borato make Borreload savage dragon.Use boots and gale for PredaplantVerte Anaconda. Use Soul Shave to banish Force in GY to summon Dragulas.Banish bootsin GY for to searchaFogblade. Finally, actvateVerte to summon Dragoon and set Fogblade.
5 Negates and can take destruction.
Combo 2-Brick
You need 1 level 4 Special summon and 2 of any special summon. I’ll use Oroshi, Bora, and Dust.
Ends on Dragoon, Infinity, and Fogblade.
Summon all 3 monsters to make Wise using the 2 other monsters other than the level 4, using Wise effect to summon Zephyros. Use the 2 level 4 to make Force and use its effect to search a level 4 special summon. Ill use Kris and special summon him trigging Wise to search Soul Shave. Use Wise and Force for Bardiche and use its effect to send Cloak to the GY and search Brigandine. Use Soul Shave to banish Force in GY to summon Cyber Dragon Infinity or Dragulas. Banish cloak in the GYto searchsearch Boots. Summon Boots and Brigandine, then use Zephyros effect in GY to send the trap back to hand to summon itself. Use boots and Zephyrosto makeVerte. Banish boots to search and set Fogblade and use Verte to summon Dragoon. Lastly, attach Verte to Infinity.
3 negates is not great, but good for a brick.
Combo 3-Brick on Zephyros
Simmon and Zephyros are needed.
Ends Ultimate Falcon or Redoer anda Fogblade.
Use Simoon effect in hand to banish Zephyros, getting Whirl. Normal summon Simoon to trigger Whirl to search Auster. Summon Auster to summon the banished Zephyros and use Whirl to summon Dust (chain link 1 Auster, chain link 2 Whirl). Use Simmon and Auster to make Blackwing – Full Armor Master and use the rest to make Wise Strix.Use its effect to summon aany level4. I’ll use Kris. Summon Zephyros from GYby sending Whirl to the hand and use that and Kris to make Force Strixand use its effect to search anything(I’ll use Raidraptor – Strangle Lanius), triggering Wise to set Rank-Up-Magic Phantom Knight’s Force.Use Wise and Force for Bardiche and sendCloak to the GY to set Brigandine. Summon Brigandine and Strangle to make Force. Use Force effect to search any level 4 special summon and summon it. Use the Rank up to summon Arsenal Falcon, use its effect to summon a level 4. Use the 2 levels fours to summon either Redoer or Raider’s Knight, which can summon Arc Rebellion XYZ Dragon to a zone that Bardiche points, which can activate its effect to destroy Arsenal Falcon and summon Ultimate Falcon. Banish Boots to set Fogblade.
Weak combo but the chances of getting a hand this bad are rare.
Combo 4-Standard
Simoon and any level 4 Blackwing are needed. I’ll use Bora.
Ends onUltimate Falcon, Fogblade, BorreloadSavage, and Infinity.
Use Simoon effect in hand to banish Bora. Search Whirl and activate it.Summon Simoon and search Auster with Whirl. Normal summon Auster to summon the banished Bora and search Dust with Whirl. SummonDust and use it and Simoon for Wise, using its effect to summon Zephyros from deck. Use Zephyros and any level 4 besides from Auster on the field to summon Force and detach Zephyrosto search any level 4 special. Summon it triggering Wise Trixto setSoul Shave from the deck. Use Zephyros effect in GY to send Whirl back to hand to summon itself. Using Force and Wise to summon Bardiche. Now using the 2 level fours besides from Auster on the field summon another Force Trix use its effect to get any level 4 special summon. Summon that card and use it with Auster to summon Borreload Savage. Then use Bardiche to send Boots to the GYto searchPhantom Knight’s Rank-Up-Magic Force. Use boots effect in the grave to get a fogblade.
Now on youropponent’s turn activate phantom knight rank up to banish everything besides the Force Strix to summon Ultimate falcon and when it is your turn use soul to summon Infinity.
Very strong consistent combo.
Thanks for reading and leave suggestions in the comments.
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