2024-04-18 07:21:15
+ 3Allure of Darkness+ 2Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind+ 1Draco Berserker of the Tenyi+ 2Black Feather Whirlwind+ 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy+ 3Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm+ 1Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind+ 2Lightning Storm+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite+ 2Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower+ 1Blackwing - Auster the South Wind+ 1Assault Blackwing - Chidori the Rain Sprinkling+ 1Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons+ 1Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 2Blackwing - Bora the Spear+ 1Blackwing Full Armor Master+ 1Blackwing - Sharnga the Waning Moon+ 2Blackwing - Twin Shadow+ 3Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer+ 3Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering+ 2Black Sonic+ 1Black-Winged Assault Dragon+ 1Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall+ 1Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust+ 1Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend+ 1Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn+ 3Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind+ 1Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe+ 1Baronne de Fleur+ 3Black Whirlwind+ 1Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight
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