My FAVOURITE archetype of ALL TIME Ancient Gear has finally recieved their final piece of support in the real life Yugioh TCG - and that is Ancient Gear Statue!
Ancient Gear Statue, Ancient Gear Dark Golem, Ancient Gear Advance, Ancient Gear Commander, Ancient Gear Tanker and Ancient Gear Duel all make it much easier to generate an entire army of Ancient Gear juggernauts to obliterate all your opponent's board and lifepoints - even in a metagame dominated by Ryzeal, Maliss and Blue-Eyes!
There is now a heavy emphasis on Dr. Crowler's ace monster, Ancient Gear Golem, and now we're actually incentivized to summon it a lot and make fusion boss monsters like Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem and Megaton Golem! Let's blind second and teach these lame SLIFER RED duelists what the true meaning of having a PhD in dueling, just like our beloved Dr. Vellian Crowler! Time to blind second and MECHANIZED MELEE!!!
The deck is on the bigger side consisting of 47 cards instead of being 40 sharp. This is to make sure that you statistically draw your bricks/garnets less often, and that you can draw more starters/staples. The big size of 47 cards is possible due to the additional 3 starters we received in Maze of the Master, granting Ancient Gear a grand total of 15 one-card starters (Statue, Advance, Wyvern, Frame and Urgent Schedule), so you still have a big chance of drawing into your plays!
If you want a thorough guide on this deck, check out my article from last year.
The following games are just my practice matches before I bring the deck to Locals in a honest attempt to top with my favourite deck of all time.
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
GLHF Duelists!