Dominus Purge

Views: 351,516 Views this Week: 6,161
  • Type Trap Card
  • TCG Date 2024-07-18
  • OCG Date 2024-04-27

Card Text

If your opponent controls a card, you can activate this card from your hand. When a card or effect is activated that includes an effect that adds a card(s) from the Deck to the hand: Negate that effect, then if you have a Trap in your GY, destroy that card. If you activated this card from your hand, you cannot activate the effects of DARK, WATER, and FIRE monsters for the rest of this Duel. You can only activate 1 "Dominus Purge" per turn.

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Cards similar to Dominus Purge
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Decks with Dominus Purge
Banlist History for Dominus Purge
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