I've been waiting for good Ghostrick support since the decks conception, and Konami has continued to disappoint every single time. So, I took matters into my own hands, and made this abomination. Ghostrick surprisingly has a decent bit of really powerful spells and traps, and this list takes full advantage of that by playing a crap ton of them. You only really need the 4 Ghostrick monsters, as if you know how to maneuver your cards right, (and you get hella lucky) you can sometimes just straight up run out of space on the board. One thing that could be capitalized off of is obviously the ability to make UFD, which would require you to play a level 3 engine, but I wanted to keep this as pure as possible. S:p is actually kind of a bad card in this deck, just because it clogs up your emz, but if you get it to resolve it doesn't really matter. I am very open to suggestions as to how to make this better, as I probably don't have the best ratios for this deck.
Ghostrick shot is actually crazy in this deck, as it gets you Ghostrick monsters on the board without having to waste your set, and shot late game (if you ever get there) actually gives you a way to loop allucard, which provided your board stays in tact, allows you to have an infinite Amount of searches. This leads to basically having every Ghostrick power spell/trap always at your disposal, but this is hard to do if your opponent has, you know, INTERACTION. Alot of the things you do will be on your turn, but just because of the nature of flip monsters you do a lot of your setup on the opponents turn. I highly advise just trying the deck out, you'll see how much potential it really has, and I hope people actually try and innovate on it. That's all from me, but anyway... GHOSTRICK BEST DECK LETS GOOO!