This is my attempt to make the OTK with Triangle O work after Beatrice got banned, making Totem Pole harder to set up.
The main aim is to get Cabrera Stone, Ashoka Pillar and Crystal Skull all on the field at the same time, then activate Triangle O to destroy all cards on the field and deal 3000 damage when Cabrera Stone and Ashoka Pillar are destroyed (damage redirected from yourself by Triangle O). You then revive Crystal Skull with Stonehenge or Adamancipator Signs and deal another 1000 damage. Cabrera Stone searches Triangle O on summon and Ashoka Pillar searches Stonehenge on summon, so they do not need to be run in multiples.
Originally this deck would use Totem Pole by banishing it from the GY to double any effect damage dealt to the opponent that turn. In this build I eliminate the need for Totem Pole altogether by using Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis to halve the opponent's Life Points. This is due to Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket being more consistent and easily searchable thanks to synergy with the Adamancipator cards.
The idea is to get Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket onto the field and send a Chronomaly Number monster from the Extra Deck to the GY (I use Chateau Huyuk here in case I need to make it with two copies of Tuspa Rocket, but Number C6: Chaos Atlandis would work for a bigger ATK boost on Atlandis in a pinch if necessary).
After / during that you do the usual Adamancipator plays to get two Level 6 Synchros on the field and any of the three of Crystal Skull, Ashoka Pillar and Cabrera Stone. The two Level 6 Synchros can make Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis and attach Chateau Huyuk from the GY, then send it to the GY again to halve the opponent's LP. This eliminates the need for Totem Pole in the OTK since the opponent only has 4000 LP left and you don't need to double your damage.
Totem Pole has been included in the Side Deck as an additional option if you can find space, as it's more of a shortcut to just set Totem Pole if you happen to draw it and destroy it with Triangle O. However I would recommend against running three copies or running Foolish Burial Goods as adding to the Spell / Trap count messes with the consistency of the Adamancipator engine.
Cartorhyn and Saryuja can be used as extenders to enable additional Normal / Special Summons to help get your Triangle O pieces onto the field. Adamancipator Signs can also help with this, either by reviving them from the GY or reviving an unused Adamancipator and putting a piece on the top of the deck. I've decided against using Adamancipator Friends as it locks you into only Rock types after use (Atlandis and Skull Dread are Machine and Dragon, respectively) so this restricts their use early on and ironically makes hands brickier. Also, Gallant Granite fills the same role and can be summoned at any time.
Living Fossil provides an alternate target for Ashoka Pillar to search assuming you already drew Stonehenge (and vice versa). It can help extend into Gallant Granite or the Synchros.
Crystron Quandax and Morphtronic Earfon are included to allow you to ladder more easily with Cartorhyn. They give WATER and EARTH Level 4 Synchro Tuner options depending on if your other monster remaining on the field is EARTH or WATER respectively, allowing both to be on field to enable Cartorhyn's revival effect.
Pilgrim Reaper is mostly included as an alternate summon instead of Chronomaly Atlandis if you decide to use Totem Pole after all, to increase the chance you might mill it off the top of your deck. If not using Totem Pole feel free to replace it.
Adamancipator Risen Dragite and the Naturia Monsters are there in case you get interrupted by your opponent and need to divert into a defensive board.
Foolish Burial can set up Cartorhyn or Adamancipator Signs (the latter is helpful in getting hold of Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket or Triangle O pieces, especially). It also sets up Stonehenge but I would recommend against using Stonehenge outside of the OTK unless you have a spare Adamancipator Signs, as you need to be able to revive Crystal Skull after using Triangle O.
The Extra Deck can be updated to your preference, but the absolutely necessary cards are:
- 1x Adamancipator Risen - Leonite
- 1x Adamancipator Risen - Raptite
- 1x Crystron Quandax
- 1x Morphtronic Earfon
- 1x Gallant Granite
- 1x Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis
- 1x Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk
- 1x Saryuja Skull Dread