Got the idea for this from a deck I saw on a Table 500 replay, although I don't know who originally made it. Shame. Anyway, I decided to build my own version of the deck in my futile attempts to make Ghostrick work, because I love Ghostrick. Note that this deck is really more so an expierement, so any suggestions are appreciated. Deck guide.
1x Mummy- Great extra normal summon, but locks you into dark monsters, which conflicts with the subterrors. I decided to run at 1 to avoid the xenophobia of it.
3x Skeleton- Banishes cards from the top of your opponent's deck, can be a huge mill if you've set up a board
2x Jiangshi- Easy searcher, although it's quite slow
1x Yeti- serves to stall out and protect your weak boss monsters
3x Witch- just easy book of moon on legs
2x Yuki-Onna- pretty slow but still another book of moon on legs
3x Fairy- Book of Moon and monster recovery, fantastic for the archetype
2x Nekomusume- Another Book of Moon on legs... i think im seeing a pattern here
3x Doll- Book of Eclipse on legs, and a nice special summon to set up for more plays
2x Jackfrost- Negates an attack and another book of moon on legs, also special summons himself for later
2x Mary- Easy special summons, helps to get out the XYZ
3x Ultramafus- Easy special summon and interacts well with the ghostricks flipping themselves3
3x Speleogeist- book of moon and cripples and opponent's boss monster, also see above
2x Stalagmo- Nice draw and GY setup, also easy special summon with the ghostricks
2x Umastryx- Easy monster removal and special summons itself with the ghostricks
3x Guru- Reuses flip effects, it's also part of a lock but I forget what the lock is tbh
3x Archer- shuffles monsters into the deck if they're face down, interacts really well with cards like Book of Moon and a lot of the Ghostrick's effects
3x Fiendess- Nice special summon and negate
3x Clash- Nice stat boost, reuses cards
3x Hidden City- Negates attacks and reuses flip effects
3x Book of Moon- helps the deck as this is Book of Moon: the deck, so
2x Go-Round- Another book of moon that reuses flip monsters
3x Break- nice special summon that can go into an XYZ
3x Succesion- searches flip monsters and such, good card
2x Angel of Mischief- Boss monster lol
2x Alucard- removes set cards to **** over decks like Altergiest, nice monster to rank up in to Angel
2x Socuteboss- Monster removal and basically eradicates a monster zone
2x Dullahan- Cripples a monster, making it easier to run over
2x Behemoth Fiendess- Nice special summon and GY setup
Playing guide
It's not super complex. Get out your Ghostricks and use their effects to flip them face down, then special summon some of the behemoths. Afterwards, flip them back up with one of the other card effects and overlay them into an XYZ, rank up that XYZ into a Mischief. Protect Mischief and try to get her to 10 if you want, as you go in for an OTK with the strong behemoths.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated, as again, this is more of a test than anything. Have a godo day