Popular Flip Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks

The latest Flip type Yu-Gi-Oh! decks uploaded to ygoprodeck.com.

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Non-Meta Decks
540 540
Subterror Princess I got bored of Linkross combos, so I came over here and posted this
- 4 years ago
12,275 0
Non-Meta Decks
450 330
60 Card Ghostrick Subterror 2020 60 card Ghostricks with a Subterror (sorta) engine
- 4 years ago
6,981 4
Fun/Casual Decks
330 60
Flip Your opponent will really FLIP out when they fight this deck
- 4 years ago
10,593 0
Meta Decks
420 570
My IRL Shaddoll Deck This is my IRL Shaddoll deck so some of the ratios arent ideal
- 4 years ago
6,141 0
Fun/Casual Decks
360 60
Gambling Deck Gambling deck
- 4 years ago
7,282 0
Fun/Casual Decks
630 150
Supreme Penguin Deck 2020 Using Nopenguin and other penguin cards to cripple your opponent's deck.
- 4 years ago
11,653 0
Non-Meta Decks
540 690
Subterror Step 1: Try getting Hidden City Step 2: Get Ash Blossomed Step 3: Summon Guru and Final Battle/Trap Trick Step 4: Got OTKed Step 5: Remove all ot
um bruh
- 4 years ago
4,475 1
Meta Decks
30 90
Army of Effective Monsters effect monsters
Eslam Emad
- 4 years ago
4,498 0
Non-Meta Decks
570 510
Abusing Junk Sleep with Trap Monsters and Morphing Jar #2 Uses Junk Sleep to flip Morphing Jar #2 on the opponents turn and re-set trap monsters.
- 6 years ago
7,506 0